I'm here because since I've heard and read about DMT it has been one of those things that has been both appealing and intimidating. In a past life (wink) I have experimented with Lucy and Fungi, and they had some serious impacts on my creative and spiritual development. Although these impacts have been profoundly positive, they have definitely been irreversible impacts nonetheless which leads me to fear the "spirit molecule" to a degree.
To have awareness and an intuitive knowledge of "hyperspace" is one things, but to slingshot yourself into it is another completely. I've been reading the informative posts on this forum and they sound extremely interesting. Also, the site design is well-done and the homepage is fun to look at.
I have actually tried one A/B technique in the past, but botched it. Now, the "stuff" is much harder to find, so I'm hoping to find a new legit vendor sooner or later that wont try to send me mulch.
In the meantime, I guess I can contribute to the community by sharing what knowledge I have as an aspiring Anthropologist on pre-Colombian American cosmology, colonial era research, and modern indigenous communities in the globalized world.
Some food for thought:
"The world that surrounds us...the world in which the presence and the work of man are felt - the mountains that he climbs, populated and cultivated regions, navigable rivers, cities, sanctuaries - all these have an extraterrestrial archetype, be it conceived as a plan, as a form, or purely and simply as a 'double' existing on a higher cosmic level. But everything in the world that surrounds us does not have a prototype of this kind. For example desert regions...uncultivated lands, unknown seas...All these wild uncultivated regions and the like are assimilated to chaos; they still participate in the undifferentiated, formless modality of pre-Creation"
(From Mircea Eliade's The Myth of the Eternal Return. Published in 1954 - before the psychedelic explosion in the 'Western' world. Also very similar to Plato's realm of forms)