A friend used Escort brand Kerosene(without a pre-test on a large batch!)and i have had to take over the siphoning and freeze precipitation step, The fuel is light yellow in its original Jug, the crystals have not yet started forming over 36 hours later. Kinda got me concerned and i ran into this link
https://www.dmt-nexus.me....aspx?g=posts&t=5713 about naphtha with low solubility! Is there a way to save this batch! Can i run heptane through the siphoned Kerosene? or if it has low solubility it may still be in the Mimosa? Any and all help would be massively appreciated, Just started with the personal spice extractions, am learning lots fast, I woulda tested a smaller batch first or used Heptane, Good Naphtha seems hard to come by in this part of Canada., How to purify additive laden Naphtha is a top question as well?