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Dark DMT - the Other Alkaloid Options
#81 Posted : 9/7/2007 4:27:32 AM
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[quote:4ade9cabc8="Noman"]Xeno - how many naptha pulls were done? And was heat used? And was the extract yellow and oily? I'm thinking that heating the solution and naptha might make a good bit of those red spices soluable in the naptha. Was any white recovered from washing the red? My friend just did a 50g STB and extracted 3X with toulene and got a fuck all yield. Acceptable amount of red, but what washed out with the heptane is way less than the 200mg he expected from this batch of bark. And - he just checked - it's oily yellow. The white he's washed out of red extractions done after a regular NP is white purity. Thats weird. I don't think the toluene pulled much of the white. I want to fly down to Antarctica now and kick his ass for not doing a naptha pull on that solution. Shit.[/quote:4ade9cabc8] Many naptha pulls were done prior to this, to the point that no more spice was being pulled. The original spice from that batch was very white. The solution was sitting for several weeks as "used" before the toluene pulls were done. They were done heated. Washing the red spice got SOME white, but nothing really worth weighing. It wasn't yellow or oily. It looked pretty nice. I'm going to add some more lye to the mix and then do another pull...i think sitting for so long had some ill effect.

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#82 Posted : 9/7/2007 5:02:10 AM

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Was it originaly a STB or A/B?
blue halo
#83 Posted : 9/7/2007 7:52:59 AM
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[quote:2b9698198e="entheogenist"]Heptane boils at 98.42°C, so as long as the water bath is not boiling, you'll have no problem.[/quote:2b9698198e] are the test tubes capped/stopped in any way ? also, a friend of a friends cat once used a claw to carve a message in a dust bunny that said something to the effect of... that when heating naptha, it didnt appear to be boiling until the cap was removed from the jar and then it began boiling. should the burner be on around 3-4 ? higher ? lower ? Wut?
To stb or not to stb, that is the extraction.
#84 Posted : 9/7/2007 12:23:00 PM
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[quote:c878f8f996="Noman"]Was it originaly a STB or A/B?[/quote:c878f8f996]a/b

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#85 Posted : 9/7/2007 5:58:29 PM
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perhaps on the next 1lb batch, he'll do a straight to base extraction, naptha pulls first, then toluene right away.

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#86 Posted : 9/7/2007 6:27:24 PM

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No, they pull petty much equal amounts. I was asking because I was wondering if more lye would do it, which would be pointless on a STB. I doubt the lye solution will degrade, my friend has left STB's sit for a week and still pulled red just fine.
#87 Posted : 9/8/2007 5:46:03 PM
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Blue Halo, in response to your question, I used a stopper with a small hole to prevent spillage and allow gas to escape. And I know most of you know this, but always use a crock-pot water bath to heat solvents. NO FLAME. I always do the a/b extraction. I simmer it all night in vinegar solution, then basify with an excess of NaOH, 100g lye per 500g bark. Then I do four naphtha pulls (and freeze precip the naphtha solution), then four toluene pulls. Evap the toluene, then you have an oily red/orange substance. Set it in a cool dry place and leave it alone for a few days. Use an electric fan. Keep it spread out as thinly as possible. It will eventually harden, and you can scrape it up and smoke it as is (which is a very nice mix of DMT, Jungle Spice and possibly the Kokusanganine), or you can pull out the residual DMT by washing with naphtha (as I have described earlier in this thread). Washing the product with naphtha leaves you with pure red jungle spice, which has quickly become a much greater ally to me than DMT. I want each and every one of you to experience it in it's pure form, it is shockingly beautiful. You can even continue to do toluene pulls and you'll get more and more and more... Using these methods I usually get at least 3 grams of red and 1-2 grams of white per 500g bark per 1 gallon acid solution. Maybe your mimosa is less than top notch. PM me and I'll share my bark supplier, this stuff is GOOOOOOOOOOD.
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#88 Posted : 9/15/2007 3:30:33 PM
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what exctilly is in the dark red goo?
#89 Posted : 9/16/2007 3:12:20 PM
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my bad, just though i had missed it somewhere...
#90 Posted : 9/16/2007 8:19:09 PM

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A friend is trying extracting with xylene but he said me that he has real problems to separate layers from the STB soup and the xylene. Everything is dark brown... There was no problem with the numerous naphta pulls previously done on that batch.
#91 Posted : 9/16/2007 8:50:37 PM

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He should try straining out the solids - it'll separate better.
#92 Posted : 9/16/2007 9:37:39 PM

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He said that the soup is made from finely powdered MHRB. Pretty difficult to strain out. He tried to pull the top layer in more water. A thin layer is now visible but look likes 5% of the initial xylene pull. He guess that the remaining xylene is somewhere captured in the soup. He will add more xylene...
#93 Posted : 9/17/2007 1:41:34 AM
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[quoteVery happy41b63d68c="Garulfo"]He said that the soup is made from finely powdered MHRB. Pretty difficult to strain out. He tried to pull the top layer in more water. A thin layer is now visible but look likes 5% of the initial xylene pull. He guess that the remaining xylene is somewhere captured in the soup. He will add more xylene...[/quoteVery happy41b63d68c]an old t-shirt works well for the straining of the powdered bark during the initial steps. strain and squeeze Pleased Then let the solids settle to the bottom overnight and strain again with a filter before moving on to the next steps.

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#94 Posted : 9/17/2007 11:16:33 PM

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Thanks for the tip, my friend will give the tshirt technic a chance in case he can't reach his aim. He was able to gather around 30 ml of xylene (from 300 Sad) and evaporate it. It took a while to evaporate, the residu look likes really nasty. A dark brown thick oil drop, not solid at all. Strangely it smells like the residue of my friend's freebase pipe after many hits. Without the experience of courageous precursors, my friend would have trashed it, he will need some courage to try smoking that Confused
#95 Posted : 9/18/2007 3:48:33 AM
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[quote:0998acf22a="Garulfo"]Thanks for the tip, my friend will give the tshirt technic a chance in case he can't reach his aim. He was able to gather around 30 ml of xylene (from 300 Sad) and evaporate it. It took a while to evaporate, the residu look likes really nasty. A dark brown thick oil drop, not solid at all. Strangely it smells like the residue of my friend's freebase pipe after many hits. Without the experience of courageous precursors, my friend would have trashed it, he will need some courage to try smoking that Confused[/quote:0998acf22a]sounds about right. The stuff takes a long time to dry out. but doing the naptha pull on the red oil will increase the dry time tenfold, and you will have a much more solid material.

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#96 Posted : 9/18/2007 10:35:10 PM

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Xenonsion, By 'naphta pull', you mean a naphta 'wash' of the dark brown oil, keeping the heavier part for a next drying ? [edit] I read again previous posts, ok you meant 'wash'. And I saw again the photo you posted. Look likes exactly what my friend got Wink Did you tried to smoke it ?
#97 Posted : 9/18/2007 10:38:53 PM

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i cant wait to try this, better get the regular spice tek down first
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#98 Posted : 10/23/2007 7:10:48 AM
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What happened? I am helpless at a cliffhanger. The red spice sounds intriguing in that your ego stays intact. I've always wondered what mystery (and revolutionary) alkaloids are out there that we haven't isolated yet.
#99 Posted : 10/23/2007 8:17:46 PM
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not to be redundant, but all i've been reading is that Xylene is some nasty, chemi-toxic shittyness....?? yuremine supposedly has MAO inhibitor qualities... making MHRB good for jurema brewz in brazil Smile
how deep does the rabbit hole go???
#100 Posted : 10/23/2007 11:58:32 PM

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[quote:0bac328d76]Xylene is some nasty, chemi-toxic shittyness....??[/quote:0bac328d76] Sure it is but toluene is even worst. My friend said that he was able to gather 300 mg of 'something' from a xylene extraction while the soup was probably almost empty of DMT after many naphta pulls. That 'something' extracted (dark brown sticky wax) is very active althought he did not yet tried a full hit. My friend evaporated the xylene in hot water bath during hours, then it took several days for that 'wet' extract to dry more and to no more smelling paint vanish Mad
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