Hello everyone!
I came across this site looking up various extraction techniques for DMT. After reading some articles on this site, it really peaked my interest so I decided to sign up!
Interesting things about myself:
At the start of 2014, I am going to make it my mission to completely de-calcify my pineal gland, starting by eliminating harmful chemicals such as S.C.A.T (Sugar, Caffeine, Alcohol, and Tobacco), along with other harmful chemicals such as fluoride. Once I feel the process is complete, I plan to "open the third eye" to say the least through various types of meditation techniques, vital nutrients, and particularly consumption of certain psychoactive substances. This just isn't an experiment though, it is a complete lifestyle change and can take years to fully seek the benefits of this lifestyle. But even still, I am prepared to make these sacrifices and travel down a path my conscious mind can't even begin to perceive.
I've used numerous psychoactive substances such as Acid, Mushrooms, DXM, and others. I am also a regular cannabis user, mostly using it for recreational and spiritual purposes. I've also used other mind altering substances like Ecstasy, pure MDMA (Molly), Cocaine, Heroine, and other opiates, but I either wasn't a fan of the effects or just didn't see a way these substances were beneficial to me.
I began to feel like I had reached the end of my rope, and reality just seemed so dull after using all these various substances that made everything else so beautiful. It reminds me of part of a quote from Stanley Kubrick... "Perhaps when everything is beautiful, nothing is beautiful." I felt like I was at that point in my life when I came across the chemical DMT. Now I've heard of the pineal gland and it's production of DMT, but I wasn't aware of the uses of it outside our brains naturally producing it. After intense research, everything started to connect to each other. That's where things REALLY got interesting.
I watched a documentary where these children were raised without the limits we perceive as our conscious reality. These children were never spoken to, taught a single word, absolutely nothing... and were left to discover there conscious reality for themselves. After years of natural growth and development, these children were able to do things we were taught to be impossible, such as using the mind to alter energy and thus make matter float, disappear, and travel through itself. A particularly interesting segment is where a child sets down a chair, then after minutes of intense concentration, makes the chair slide through the wall and out the other side. Sure, this could be fake, but the film itself is old, and particularly hard to find, so that just makes it even more interesting.
What I really want to know:
After watching and reading peoples surreal experiences with DMT, it immediately peaked my interests being an intermediate user to psychoactive substances, and here I am trying to find it. Of course, that's easier said than done and was led to make the chemical on my own. Now I'm sure these questions have been answered thousandfold, so feel free to link me to where I can find this on the forums but...
Is it a good idea to use DMT whilst using other drugs? Prominently cannabis
What is the simplest extraction tek for a beginner with the purest outcome?
Lastly, does set and setting play a roll in the users experience, or does it have the same effect no matter where you are or when you do it?
Thanks for reading this, and I hope to become an active user in these forums! Namaste!