Thanks guys
I say Manchester, but it's more greater Manchester. I've moved around a lot, but never any further than north to south manchester :/
I need to find myself a job, somehow magic up some savings and travel all over the place; I'm getting a touch of cabin fever over this city.
I've got one mate who used to be a heavy user of everything and anything that would give him a buzz, he's calmed down a lot since about 12 months ago though so I think I'll ask him if he's interested.
It's a shame to be honest; I've got a few people who I'd love to share this with but alas, cannot.
I won't jump the gun on my first trip, definitely want a sitter for it, especially given the potential for a bit of a freak out.
Dragonfly was a game changer for me, it really helped me get away from alcohol, legal highs and stimulants. I was never a very heavy user of the above, though I wouldn't touch coke or legal highs again now; I rarely drink these days. Dragonfly helped me grow up a little I think.
Dragon fly was special though, I embarked on a 7-day mega trip, redosing with a medium dose every 30 hours or so. It wasn't visually intense for most of the time, though I did enter a sort of hyperspace for a few hours at one point.
I vaguely remember an intensely menacing jet-black shrunken head was following me.
Dragonfly is a very physical trip, you throw up endlessly, feel almost heatstricken etc.
MDMA is a relatively recent discovery for me, I'm determined not to overuse it. It's reserved for special occasions for sure.
Checklists can be good yeah, I just don't like coming across as the guy who takes anything just because it's there. Respect to you though! Drug use should always be an intensely personal choice, sovreignty over the conscious mind etc.
I'd rather live a single day as a cat than a lifetime as a dog. They are our perfectly evolved feline masters.
I understand if this is a little personal but I'd be interested to know a little about why your first experience wasn't positive, I'm trying to prepare myself for every outcome.
The quality of posters here really is ace, though I'd imagine a level headed and intelligent user base is essential given the topic.