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Terrible first experience with GVG / DMT Options
#21 Posted : 10/28/2013 1:12:43 PM

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Global wrote:
It's hard to answer your question exactly because I turn off the flame entirely once a certain consistency of smoke is achieved. Kinda hard to explain, but once as soon as it's pluming nice and thick, I'll turn the lighter off and continue to inhale from there.

Well, What I did was heating the ceramic filter and draw some air until the gvg has white vape in it. I then stopped the heating and draw the vape in and try to keep it in without coughing.

That's stopping the heat completely as soon as i see white vapor inside.

I was only able to see mild CEV and no OEV at all. maybe I do need to keep the heat until I have even more vapes inside.

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#22 Posted : 10/28/2013 1:37:59 PM

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xenderino wrote:
Global wrote:
It's hard to answer your question exactly because I turn off the flame entirely once a certain consistency of smoke is achieved. Kinda hard to explain, but once as soon as it's pluming nice and thick, I'll turn the lighter off and continue to inhale from there.

Well, What I did was heating the ceramic filter and draw some air until the gvg has white vape in it. I then stopped the heating and draw the vape in and try to keep it in without coughing.

That's stopping the heat completely as soon as i see white vapor inside.

I was only able to see mild CEV and no OEV at all. maybe I do need to keep the heat until I have even more vapes inside.

I would achieve a thicker consistency before turning off the flame. Also how much DMT are you loading up? It might not be a sufficient amount. Make sure you're holding in your hits for 15-20 seconds, and take no more than 2-3 hits. Also the visuals can build up better when you're completely focused, so if you keep alternating between open eyes and closed eyes, you may find it hard to behold much (especially if you can't "deliver" the DMT into your system properly). Once you close your eyes, I would just keep them closed for a few minutes before opening them.
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#23 Posted : 10/28/2013 5:15:02 PM
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How many pulls do you take? Is it only 1? If so, def try taking more.

Get a torch lighter if you don't have one, and maybe you may be holding the lighter too close to the GVG. I find with the torch lighter, just a couple of seconds of using it and the gvg is filled with vapes.

Lastly, make sure you aren't pulling too much when you inhale causing the dmt to drip down the gvg. I find it also helps putting a tiny bit of herbs on the screens (I use 5 screens in the GVG) .

Most of the time, 20mg is all I need for a breakthrough using that method.
#24 Posted : 10/28/2013 5:56:18 PM

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When I first got my GVG, I placed 5mg in and vaped. That way I knew that if i felt anything I was on the money. Then my second try was with 10mg using the same technique.

Slightly inhale while bringing the torch in so that the heat actually reaches the ceramic disc.

If you start to see it glow increase the distance immediately, but only enough so that your still very lightly heating it. Bounce back and forth between these two distances so that the disc is just at a glow or almost is. When you start to see the vapor become less dense, remove heat and clear it. Although for larger doses I make that disc glow but I might be inhaling faster as well. Also some people are sensitive to the vapors and no matter what, will cough.


INCREASING inhalation speed decreases temperature inside the chamber.

DECREASING inhalation speed increases temperature inside the chamber.

Using different speeds you can adjust the temp that you are submitting to the DMT. Getting dose in one single hit increases what you absorb.
Open your Mind (โ’ถ) Please read my DMT vaping guide (โ’ถ) Fear is the mind killer

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#25 Posted : 10/29/2013 4:26:01 PM

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Thanks for the replies everyone, appreciate it.

I tried again yesterday with 15mg doses. The problem is not that the "vape" is hot or cold - its just makes me cough really hard. I can inhale and clear the gvg from the white vapor but it tickles my lungs (awfully) and i just cough. I'm not a smoker- I vape marijuana almost every day (not when i try dmt.)

I wish i could solve the coughing - if i can solve that - I got it. maybe some kind of throat pain candy? (to numb the area?)

people talk about dmt vape being smooth and just "hot air". but thats not entirely true.. the vape is thick and white - it tastes and smells like dmt does. the moment it touches my throat\lungs - I can hold it for 5-6 seconds and then i have to cough.

If i vape the same 15mg i can do like 3-4 of these. (I stop heating it as soon as i feel the cough coming.Sad
#26 Posted : 10/29/2013 5:55:24 PM


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In my experience the GVG is almost too smooth when you get that heating down.

Its a damn shame that i hid mine in a box in a paranoid moment and forgot about it, only to drop something else into the same box a week later and crush the damn thing.

Talk about butt hurt.....

But yeah, if you are getting a strong burnt dmt taste or any harshness i'd say you either have contaminants in your spice or you are applying too much heat. I'd also recommend against the heating first, pulling second method. I might put the flame to the pipe for a brief second before i inhale but I can't imagine it would be pleasant to do what you tried. No offense is meant by that, i just mean i can imagine that the hit would have been far too much. I struggled at first as well so i can relate.

I find that good clean DMT, properly vaporized, has little to no taste at all. If anything it would be a very light and more floral taste. Very smooth. The moment that spice burns though.... YUCK TOWN!!!! And good luck holding in a big harsh dmt rip. I tried with a meth type pipe ONE time before realizing that there was no way in hell i was going to get the heat application correct on that style.

I would also like to add that making a little machine type pipe would be a wise idea until you have time to practice with the GVG. I hate to see anyone wasting spice!

The great thing about the machine is that it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to screw it up.

Good luck! Safe travels!
#27 Posted : 10/29/2013 6:00:04 PM


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I've also noticed that DMT vapor is kind of an expectorant in the way that it seems to loosen up alot of excess phlemg and gunk in your lungs.

I've spit/coughed up these ejectoplasmic clear gooballs(spirit darts. lol) that make me think of that pink gooish stuff that the characters were coated with in poltergeist after venturing into the other realm. Except the crystal clear, almost silicone-like blobs are usually uniform and have no discoloration.

I've also coughed up a bunch of excess nasty phlemg from smoking and stuff.

So it may take a few shots just to get that stuff broken up and loose so it isn't tickling your lungs. This is purely speculative but i thought i'd mention it
#28 Posted : 10/29/2013 7:36:56 PM

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MomentOfTruth wrote:
In my experience the GVG is almost too smooth when you get that heating down.

Its a damn shame that i hid mine in a box in a paranoid moment and forgot about it, only to drop something else into the same box a week later and crush the damn thing.

Talk about butt hurt.....

But yeah, if you are getting a strong burnt dmt taste or any harshness i'd say you either have contaminants in your spice or you are applying too much heat. I'd also recommend against the heating first, pulling second method. I might put the flame to the pipe for a brief second before i inhale but I can't imagine it would be pleasant to do what you tried. No offense is meant by that, i just mean i can imagine that the hit would have been far too much. I struggled at first as well so i can relate.

I find that good clean DMT, properly vaporized, has little to no taste at all. If anything it would be a very light and more floral taste. Very smooth. The moment that spice burns though.... YUCK TOWN!!!! And good luck holding in a big harsh dmt rip. I tried with a meth type pipe ONE time before realizing that there was no way in hell i was going to get the heat application correct on that style.

I would also like to add that making a little machine type pipe would be a wise idea until you have time to practice with the GVG. I hate to see anyone wasting spice!

The great thing about the machine is that it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to screw it up.

Good luck! Safe travels!

See, this is where I get confused again. DMT vape, according to people on this forum, IS white and thick. marijuana vape for example - looks like vapes on glass. you don't actually see it.
I do need to get to the stage where my GVG is filed with white "vape" right? So it's harshness is only due to over heating it? if i heat it less - would it still be white and thick?
#29 Posted : 10/29/2013 8:07:39 PM


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Just don't try to vaporize it all before you hit it. You want to be taking in the vapor over the period of time that you are pulling on the GVG. This way your lungs are not instantly filled with an absurd amount of foreign vapors all in a split second. Especially for a non smoker who would likely react similary to any strange vapor.

I find that the earlier part of my GVG hits would be less milky but there would be vapor present. The vapor got milkier as i hit it. Introduce it to your lungs a little more slowly next time rather than trying to take it all at once.

At the very least try to hit that super milky vapor more slowly and only take in as much as you can handle without choking. Alot of DMT gets wasted when people get over zealous with the large hits and end up choking 3 seconds into it.

Alot of vapor spread oout over a 10 second inhalation is going to feel much better than the same amount of vapor inhaled in a super quick pull.

Also try smaller doses and try to vaporize and inhale the entire dose. Work your way up

Do you get what i'm saying? Again, i'm only speculating on ways to help. Just some thoughts to try.
#30 Posted : 10/29/2013 11:03:20 PM

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It's a fine art, don`t worry, it takes a number of times to really feel comfortable with using it.
#31 Posted : 11/24/2013 4:44:16 AM

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Well, still trying to get things right with the GVG.

Loaded up 2 ceramic flavour discs with 20mg each to practice this afternoon.

Both times I really struggled to hold it in, there was a sharp sensation at the back of my throat and an overwhelming urge to cough. I started with the lighter a fair distance away as well to make absolutely sure I didn't burn the DMT.

I had some minor effects after one or two of the hits - a mild body load and somewhat distorted music (I was listening to some relaxing instrumental music as I thought it would help).

No visuals produced, even from 20mg. It probably took about 8 - 10 attempts before the DMT on each disc was depleted.

Just venting, as I feel like I'm a bit on the outer here. Most people seem to be able to get the GVG to work great, and those that don't get it working initially seem to report success soon after. I'm a bit down about it now, as I really want to get things to work with the GVG but these hopes are fading.
#32 Posted : 11/30/2013 3:19:35 AM

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You may want to work on your breathing technique too, Spider. Practicing quick breathing beforehand where you exhale for longer than you inhale empties your body of C02. Then you can take a long very slow in-breath as you vape. Ty it for ten quick breaths, then apply the flame and just sip gently. It makes a dramatic difference to how long you can inhale for. As you are inhaling slowly, less air will be going through and you will need the flame further away so as not to overheat the chamber. This allows you to take in the vapour in a lower concentration, and lower temperature, thereby easing pressure on the lungs.

#33 Posted : 11/30/2013 4:34:10 AM

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Thanks for the suggestion Chadaev. Now that I think of it, one of the main problems I have, due to previous bad experiences, is I get very nervous when trying to vape now, which means my heart is racing and my breathing is not good, not good at all. As I am aware of this I have been trying to breath very deeply to calm myself beforehand, but I will try your technique of quick breathing and see if it makes a difference.

#34 Posted : 11/30/2013 5:20:31 AM

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These links explain what I'm talking about. Though absolutely no need to take it to extremes!



Be well,

#35 Posted : 11/30/2013 6:19:20 AM

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I had the same issue the first time I tried with the GVG as well. But the GVG truly is the truth. The culprit for the intense irritation I attribute 100% to goo. Vaporized goo is some harsh crap. It makes your throat feel like youve got strep throat while swallowing molten hot glass. That's your issue.

Try with pure xtals and report back. I will guarantee you dont have any harshness with just xtals. The overall temperature of what you want to inhale really should just feel warm, if its hot, its gonna scorch your tissue.

Also, before you attempt blasting off, you need to eliminate that anxiety you have. Sit there holding your gvg for some time and attempt to clear your head; meditate, think happy thoughts, etc. You want to try entering with a clear calm mind. Also, definitely keep the dosage in the 10-15mg range. As stated earlier, you will be rewarded with beautiful CEV's. Thats not OEV territory, but you dont want or need that just yet. It would be very possible to go a little further than comfortable for your first time. Inhale slowly and smoothly too, dont take a big quick breath in as that could shock your system and also potentially dip you in a little too deep too quick.
"A troop of elves smashes down your front door and rotates and balances the wheels on the after death vehicle, present you with the bill and then depart. And it's completely paradigm shattering. I mean, ya know, union with the white light you could handle. An invasion of your apartment by jeweled self dribbling basketballs from hyperspace that are speaking in demonic Greek is NOT something that you anticipated and could handle!' -T.M.

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#36 Posted : 11/30/2013 1:27:39 PM
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i also cough when i smoke crystals, what i find works is to take a little hit first just a small puff, cough that out, then on my next hit its not so bad. I have to do this everytime no matter what. My lungs just cant handle that first hit but after that its all good. try infused mullien that works wonders on the lungs and your lungs will be able to absorb the dmt alot better.
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