Hi nexians,
I received my first rooted salvia cutting in the mail yesterday. It spent two days in transit from a temperate climate (Sydney, Australia) to a humid, subtropical climate (Gold Coast, Australia). Her original climate was in a greenhouse that was kept with some open sections. I'm not worrying with a humidity dome to acclimatise at the moment unless it becomes apparent that it needs more humidity, so far after a day she seems okay but time will tell.
She is still pretty small, about 2 inches tall. I potted her up yesterday in an appropriately sized pot and gave her a light water. She was drooping a bit after the transport but started to perk up within a day of being watered and misted a couple of times. There is a bit of browning on the tips of the two lowest leaves and a bit of brown discolouration on the lower part of the main stem (though this just might be from the soil from transport, I can't tell).
Here is a few photos below of her the next day after potting her with a 50/50 mix of all purpose potting mix/perlite,
I would love to hear any advice from the salvia growers on the nexus, especially in regards to its health and if there is any reason to worry about the brown colour to the lower stem? (Which you can see well in the bottom picture)
Edit: The photos uploaded sideways for some reason... Anti gravity salvia!
Inner Paths attached the following image(s):
(90kb) downloaded 88 time(s). IMG_2244.JPG
(96kb) downloaded 88 time(s). IMG_2247.JPG
(92kb) downloaded 88 time(s)."The love I've made is the shape of my space"