No kidding guys, my last breakthrough trip was so realistic and alien-abduction like I haven't had the nerve/need to take another hit since... although I'm getting antsy, isn't that weird?? I never though something could be so satisfying trip-wise, although it might be because I've been busy.
Strangely enough beginning about a month ago I started to get MAJOR flashbacks to my salvia and dmt binging (last round of them).. like every now and then BAM i'd get this overwhelming odd emotion / sensation I couldn't quite place.... then it would strike me.. ahh, it's that salvia or dmt trip i had blah blah blah... bizarre because for months that didnt' happen and i totally forgot the experiences.
Question, does spice lose potency over 6 months?
Also.. check out Sheldrake dot org.. also there's the cooolest video on google video about him discussing consciousness having a 'field' like a magentic field, so that our minds are actually extending beyond the boundaries of our cranium. He'd a terrence mckenna ally and is very interesting.