Had a strangee one about two months ago around full moon.
I got reminded of it again when i entered the wikipedia page for
After smoking i was immediately gone. Not sure how i got there but i was a very tiny ball traveling at extremely high speed. Enjoying every second of it, feeling like; WHOOOOOOOOOOO I WANT TO KEEP GOING KEEP GOING, JJOYYY
And then BAM i collide with another ball just like me, My direction shifts to an angle of about 90 degrees and i am gone.
I even catched one of those balls.. Somehow... Had my eyes open by now. Something in me wants to get out, going like ; LET ME GO LET ME GO I WANT TO GO WHOOOOOOOOOOO..
So i release and VWAHM, i feel something blasting out of me but i see nothing with my eyes.
It was really really awesome and powerful. I think the most powerful experience i've had with DMT.
The Neutrinos explanation fits for me, because Neutrinos are very fast moving objects. They are subatomic particles, which means they are so ridiculously small that for a neutrino it must feel like traveling through empty space. Since they are so plentiful it is easy to collide with other Neutrinos, but there are so many of them. So the chances of one or two near my body is pretty great. Neutrinos play very significant role in the universe, for one thing they are involved in supernovas and are said to have an influence here since the big bang. It is even speculated that they could be responsible for a portion of dark matter.
It is also said that about 65 billion neutrinos pass through your fingernail every single second. Not sure why i saw just one and not 65 billion neutrinos/second. However, i want so strongly to believe that i am perhaps the first human to witness subatomic particles for what they really are! lol