Hey what's up guys,I'm new here as you can see.Let me give you alittle bit of info on me so you know who your dealing with and not some stranger in your community.Im 25 years old from Southern California just got back home.Did 6 years in the Airborne Infantry had 2 deployments overseas but I'm out now.Ready to get back home and move on with my life,I learned alot,traveled alot and saw alot.Now I'm ready to put all that behind me start a new life and begin college.Now I know you don't need a degree for fire fighting which is what I wanna do but I think it might help.After the Army,well my last year in the Army I started to change alot.I went through alot bad and good but something clicked inside me one day and I don't know how to call it but I feel like I woke up.My consciousness out of no where begin to develop,since then I've started to learn about and come to respect the spirtual world.
I believe there's much more out there then meets the eye and I've had my life controlled by demons and evil forces I've felt them controlling me for evil.The day I woke up tho I felt a rebirth tho as if I was saved and all the pain and evil,hurt etc went away.Well I don't wanna sound crazy or drag this out.This is why I'm here tho,I've been reading about DMT/ayuschua for awhile now.Im ready to try to tap into the spirtual realm and figure out what I need to do.Ive always felt I'm strong and powerful and god has a mission in life for me.Ive been rescued from the hands of satan and offered salvation now instead of war or killing.I want to do something good with my life and help others.I figure this will help me get on the right path and find true peace.
I look forward to meeting all of you.As you can see I'm not a very shy or secretive person.I am who I am and believe what I believe.I hope I can find more spirtual people here along the same journey.Unlike most of society today living trapped In the physical realm.So hello there