I was just going through some of my stuff in storage, and I found a cryptic note tucked in a copy of The Art of War. It says:
The books of old hide the secret to DMT. It's been there from the start. The beginning is the end. It was over before it ever started. It is because it wanted to be, to feel, to SEE, to understand, to find itself among itself. To live forever through death constantly ENDLESSLY seeking for Himself externally, but only ever finding just 1 and no other.
He walks on 7 planes which
confuses the 1.
So he splits Himself to see as one looking through the eyes of many. But there is only one eye. I see everything because I am everything, I see nothing because I am nothing too. I seek myself in the nothingness and it confuses the one, so divisions are made. Everything in its place, the place is everything and all nothings mixing and manifesting a timeless creation, a constant battle with my own DARKNESS. I seek the space between light and dark, this is how I live forever.