I had an account here on nexus a few years back when I became fascinated by DMT after watching "DMT: the spirit molecule" but I can't for the life of me remember my user name.
So I've had to re-register.
Anyway, here is a little about me and why I'm here...
I'd consider myself an experienced tripper. I've had the privilege to experiment with multiple psychedelics; LSD, Psilocybin, DMT to name a few... And most recently Bromo-Dragonfly that was mis-represented to me as LSD. The trip was amazing, but the long duration (48 hours +) and potential risk of death was a little daunting. Since this experience I have been put off from trying any chemical that was not grown, extracted or preprepared by myself.
I have extracted DMT numerous times with great success thanks to the info here at DMT-nexus.
I am now curious about LSA extraction from Argyreia nervosa (hawaiian baby woodrose seeds).
Now please forgive me for asking the following question in the introduction section of the forums but I am limited to where I can post right now.
I have been doing some research on LSA extraction and have found the most common method is to wash the "nastys" from the seeds using a non-polar solvent and extract a some what crude final product using polar solvent, from what I have seen this results in a dark tar like residue.
I am looking to extract a more pure crystalline product.
I have seen "Kash's Advanced LSA Extraction" here on nexus and this looks the best way to go.
But I was wondering if there might be an even simpler method?
Could an Acid based extraction produce a good result?
For example:
1) The seed is washed with a non-polar to remove the "nastys"
2) The seed is added to a basified solution. (Sodium Hydroxide + H2o)
3) A non-polar solvent is mixed in and allowed to separate. (naptha)
4) The separated layer of solvent is then removed and allowed to evaporate leaving behind the final product.
Now I understand that LSA is not soluble in a non-polar solvent. But does this change due to the water being basified? If not, could a polar solvent such as ethanol be used instead? Would this still separate as a visible layer?
Please excuse my "School boy" out look on the chemistry behind all this. I have only followed instructions in the past and I am trying to use this as more of an experiment to gain more of a genuine understanding.
Anyway I have 10g of seeds to play around with. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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