Well, AC is orally active on its own, if you wanted to, you could brew a tea from a teaspoon or so, just be prepared for a short and intense experience - an hour or so - read up on it, the reports are out there.
Also, theoretically a Marquis reagent (MDMA/Psychedelic/etc. test you describe) would be able to show DMT as a light brown, BUT since you'd be testing a brown liquid, that hardly seems conclusive.
The timeframe is not really that bad. Depending on your tek of choice, it's really only an hour or so of active extracting and some more passive hours for various steps in the process, ie. freezing and thawing the wetted bark a couple times (highly recommended for breaking cell walls) and precipitation/evaporation. And no, freeze precip is just one of your options, evaporation is just fine as well.
In my country, the legal go-to psychoactive substance is ethanol. Sometimes my friends get wasted and tell the craziest stories about how they go out at night to harvest strange grasses in the light of the full moon. They claim to meet elves, white light and jaguars. These are their stories.
Mon Ami, if you lose your inhibition we can take some extasy and DANCE!