SWIM was using 450 gr of bark doing a normal STB on that with 3 naphta-pulls. worked as usual..
Then he pulled some Xylene in the 5l container, mising it and after a little while he decanted it incl. some Black MHRB solution to a second conical cyclinder-Glass, using warm water bath for great seperation.. after pulling his Naphta and Xylene in earlier extracts, this never happened so bad as it did now… 8see attached Pic..
so SWIM pulled ,a 450 ml of the toplmostlayer of the MHRB Solution, was decanted, and put in a heat bath…
But the Emulsion-Layer wont go away.. (see Pic)
its been in this bottle now for roundabout a week…
SWIM tried to put some more lye for getting rid of Emulsion which helped eralier before…, as well as he was trying to put some good Salt in it, to break Emulsion…
But it looks as nothing happens.. just a little under a cm seperated sofar..
so has anyone any idea how to get rid of this Emulsion ..?
Was looking the Forum back and forth, but without any success..??
SWIM usually grabs some of the MHRB-Solution with the Xylene and it alsways started seperating fairly good..
not in this case..
dont know the exact amount of lye he put on top of it all, but it was quite a bit… kept in warm water bath from tine to time, without any success..
Then he started putting some seasalt in there for Emulsion break.. some result, nothing happened..
Does anyone has an idea of how to get rid of this bad Emulsion, seeing on Pic (it's ca. 500 ml bottle, he always used..
Hupecat attached the following image(s):
emulsion upload.jpg
(514kb) downloaded 139 time(s).