There is too many factors IMO to make a clear cut answer. So much of it depends on the person, their life style, context of use, etc.
Generally speaking though i think that neuroplasticity decreases with age while left brain dominance increases. So that in general ones reality-tunnel tends to become more fixed or solidified, whereas childhood/adolescence was more characterized by a perpetual state of discovery, novelty, change, and sensitivity to the profoundness of reality. Obviously though there is exceptions to this generalized trend and if you start getting very into things like meditation, mysticism, psychedelics, healthy food/lifestyle, and so on, then even in old age it seems this isn't as much of a factor and can be more or less bypassed, at least in some ways.
"Intense" is also pretty relative. What can seem intense at one stage in life might seem rather tame at another stage in your journey.
Then again i'm young and dumb... so i'm not sure how much stock you should put into all that ^____^
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"