Swim recently had a birthday, and one day there after Swim got sad cuz swim felt old, useless and no longer needed, and to that everything else that Swim has experienced in Swims life started to weigh Swim down. Swim was feeling emotionally, physically cosmicly challenged that day.
The sudden realization of a life long past, times misspent, the roads not taken and bridges burnt to ashes has always plagued me. When Swim was younger Swim never developed a constructive way to deal with Swims pain and hate. See Swims sister was violent murdered by shear chance when Swim was 10 years old. Could have been me but, by shear chance it wasnt. Turns out Swims parents didnt know how to deal either and in the end, believe it or not Swim was the one who turned out fairly normal. Swims dad tried to commit suicide and swims mom turned into an alcoholic of 30 years so far. Swim feels that because they did that and swim had to deal with it growing up swim could never do those things.
In the end Swim developed an ocd. "The challange". Being challenged and having something to challenge myself with was by far the best medication for me but at the same time the side effects are devistating. swim locked swimself in and hid. learning, reading, testing, trying. Swim knows hes smart because of it. Too smart. People only like learning from smart people, not hanging out with them and being friends. The side effects are not being able to stop moving, thinking, Swims always on to the next big challenge sometimes forgeting about the ones Swim does have that Swim loves in an attempt to forget about or make swimself feel beter about swimself.
Swim didnt go to highschool much. When Swim was 15 Swim moved out and found a job and had Swims own place, and started going to college. Swim found the learing easy but Swim had problems being around the people. Swim studied psycology, philosophy, electronics tech, and took way to many classes on work ethics, relations, and how to be a better work as far as efficiency thought.
Swim actually turned out to be a cabinetmaker by trade for about 15 years. swim first real cabinetmaking job was making bars. nice, big alcohol bars. sold throughout the world to businesses and the goverment for some of their bigger bases. swim quit that job after a few years because the whole premise of alcohol and bars . Swim now owns a sign and banner shop.
So back to the day swim was feeling all tired out. It was cold, so swim light a fire so swims honey wouldnt be cold when she got home from work. It got warm , and swim got tired so swim decided to make a little pillow out of a couple jackets lying around and curl up by the fire. Eventually the sound of the fire and the heat on swims body made swim drift of into dream world. And the story that follows is an account of the amazing dream Swim had that day .
In this dream Swim was reading chemistry books from the very beginning, also was reading math books to brush up on some stuff like equations. Swim also spent lots of time in this dream going from store to store to do research on what had what in it, who had what for what price, and what states have the best solvents (cuz the state where Swim was in the dream doesnt have jack crap). Swim never sourced any two things together in this dream either. Swim had another dream a different time that there was a website called the d mt- nixass or something like that, dont remember, that had or had links to just about everything a silly dreamer could want to or need to know about making somekind of white/yellow crystals. that part is fuzzy too.
As far as the rest of the dream goes, swim read pretty much every tek swim could find. Noticed the diffences and the similarities. and created his own.swim doesnt remeber exacly how the rest of the dream went but swim did manage to get down the highlights before they slipped away. Do some research please. try to buy local and with cash and at least support the small guys. Which you might see alot of in the process.
in swims dream swim saw everywhere,plus has heard in the past the tweakers use campfuel that it might be ok to use. Its not really isnt. kholemans is what swims taking about. swim dreamed that those old fart varnish makers & painters used the right naptha. Swim learned that xylol and xylene are the same thing, but didnt even really need it. Swim also sighed and made standard practice of taking small amounts of things and evaporating to see whats left. Swim also dreamed an accurate scale is very instrumental in helping a dreamer figure out what ya have or dont have . by means of test,thought and deduction. like say you dreamed you did research on the average amount of a certain alkaloid thats in a certain plant, then you got that plant did an extract and pooled and based and...... weight the result, do the math on percentage should be close . but wont because most advertised yeilds were from labs .but... if you got a weight thats way over what should be . see. instant mess up indicator.
Swims dream was filled with the number three. three washes three pulls three this three that . Swim ultimately used the easily found average amount that, white/yeloow crystal stuff swim doesnt remember, is soluble in to determine how much np solvent to use. swims favorite indicator was,if pulls were done warm/hot, sometimes blowing on top caused it to cool off and an instant cloud appeared and swirled in flask. swim dream said it was super saturated. and once it didnt do that it over. also Swim went to a store in the dream and found a little pen with a uv light on the end.swim couldnt see the ink from the pen in the dream till the uv light was shined on it . shine throught the side of flask . look from above, can usually tell if anything is in solvent.. Swim remeber seeing a 48" t-12 black light buld with dna damage warning on label leaning in corner. Swim bets that was used for deterministic evaluations too.
Swim also dreamed he was subjected to hours and hours of videos on this stupid thing called youboob in the dream . videos like common lab procedures, practice, dos and donts. the safest places to store,what not to store what where ect. Swim totaly remebers all the videos about glassware. Swim used those examples to create his own stuff. out of glass. in fact didnt play with any plastic except the bag the citrus acid and rb was in. in my dream swim cut the bottoms off wine bottles and drilled holes and put gromets in the sides of jars for swims glassware, though no matter whos dream it is ,they dream of having a real sep funnel. mines on order. Swim also dnloaded the msds of EVERYTHING swim saw in the dream . believe it or not they have value.
Swims first dream batch was vacuflask filterd. but found it best to press like grapes or apples in cloth by hand.good rb is supper particulate and wont filter easy less u layer bigger crumbles right over the filter and try to gett all the fine stuff sitting on top.
Swim hasnt actually smoked any yet to see if defatting actually did anything. thats been one of those things with conflicting reports. do it if you cant yet figure out if it makes a difference cuz in the process stuff does get removed. decant, evap and weight to see how much.you lost . the argument is just about whether u can notice it or not. Swim realized in the dream the evaporating sucks. for many many reasons. Freeze is way to go for the method swim used.
Something in Swims dream kept stressing the importance of taking notes maybe even so you wont forget what u have done or how old this is or whats in this jar .
Swim will never forget much of that dream and the fun in the challenge. And even thought my questions are just beginning, swim wants to thank everyone for the answers to posts, and the swims who posted posts before me for everyone to read, and all the hard work and time (not to mention dedication) that some have put in to make sure everyone who needs it can find their way.
Special thanks to the infamous TRAVELER for helping make information that has the potential to positively help others change and be better people for themselves and all of humanity,available to all .in all reality ,hard to say, but extraction should be done with more knowledge and experience than just reading a tek. swim read a bunch and not one of them left me with all questions answered and swim is thankful he already had some background experience. probably one could be writen ,very thoroughly, that could but......how easy should it really be to make if you dont even understand the many ways how dangerous something like simple vocs can be.
swim is always open to comments questions and suggestions. good luck