Hello all, ive been a member here for awhile but was only ever a lurker. However after having my first ayahuasca experience (acacia confusa+syrian rue) tonight i decided i should finally be more active.
some background info: i've been using drugs since i was 12/13. early on i was in love, always wanting to experience everything i possibly could. its never brought me any strife except that stemming from others demonizing drug use simply because its drug use. before the RC scene became somewhat mainstream i had tried the typical things: weed,alcohol,tobacco,inhalants,mushrooms,ecstacy,various prescription stimulants and opiates....i had a love affair with ambien for a couple years. my dreams include buying some land to build an earthship on, meet all my basic needs myself, and grow every drug i can possibly muster out of the earth. at some point id also like to study organic chemistry, although more for the fun of learning than to synthesize anything.
around 2009 i learned of the RC scene and became a highly active member on euphoric knowledge. having access to such a wide variety of things was incredibly appealing to me. i was a bit of a sample whore and was able to try a really huge variety of things before the log jam. this is when i really started to use psychedelics, mainly 2c-x's although a good bit of 5-meo-dmt and 4-aco as well as others. did a lot of mxe too.
such experiences have really influenced my mindset. i was always a questioner, but now my mind is stuck in deep, highly analytical existential crisis 24/7. not in a bad way, i rather enjoy it. i do find it hard to actually have ANY sort of beliefs on anything though, it feels like as if the only thing that can exist is question and observation.
the buildup: anyway, i recently ordered a qp of acacia confusa and an oz of syrian rue. last night i brewed them up following the guide on scribd, without any of the ritualistic stuff and admittedly less water due to available pots i had. i brewed the entirety of the confusa in one pot and the rue in another. i only topped each off once because they didnt seem to need it, i used pretty low heat from fear of burning it. not sure if my methods caused any drop in potency. i divided each brew into 8 roughly equal portions (as close as i could get based on how full a cup was) meaning each dose was going to be 3.5g rue and 14g acrb. two doses were kept in fridge the rest frozen
today when my girlfriend got home from work we were ready to go. before this we went in with somewhat minimal expectations. due to my longstanding interest in drugs ive read lots on dmt over the years and felt like i had as much preparation as one can really get without doing it. my girlfriend is somewhat inexperienced with drugs, before we got together 18 months ago she had only drank and smoked weed, and had only been smoking weed for a few months. since weve met shes tried everything ive had in that period. dxm,mdma,kanna,kava,kratom,opium,a couple synthetic noids, perhaps a few more things. also lsd and mushrooms but all very disappointing examples of those experiences which werent far past baseline. i had her watching dmt: the spirit molecule and read a few trip reports to get a general idea, as well as told her everything of value i could think of. going in i had a sense of guilt that i may not have prepared her enough, but turns out things went great.
the experience: we drank the cup of syrian rue....perhaps two or three shots worth. (3.5g) downed it with milk. we then smoked a bowl and put on some shpongle and waited 30 minutes to drink the acacia confusa, about 12 fl oz. (14g)
for my gf, the trip was overwhelming positive. nothing but giggles and smiles the whole time. she had fully immersed hallucinations, but all worldly based. she would go to places she has been before, although the happenings were bizarre. working in her office and seeing entities there and whatnot.
it started off for me by puking about 20 seconds after drinking the acacia. i was so irritated by it. having fasted for the last 18 hours or so my puke was entirely liquid....and i decided to redrink it. i told myself it was going to be a day of many firsts anyway and in 10 minutes there would be much bigger issues at hand. surprisingly it tasted better the second time, i think from the milk being mixed in. gross, but whatever.
about 15 minutes after drinking i started to melt into the bed, it was obvious things were about to get really big really quick. my trip lacked hallucinations. there were a lot of visual distortion, color changes, tracers, etc. but no full blown immersive hallucinations. no seeing entities of any kind. no seeing anything that wasnt actually there, although things were distorted enough that they certainly looked a lot different. the room seemed to have extra dimensions. however, i believe this may be directly related to me. even with heroic doses of potent shrooms and really dangerous accidently high doses of 2c-e ive never had more visuals than todays experience.
although the visuals were lacking, everything else was profoundly intense. it was as if i had a million new senses that would fill up in til the point that they overloaded and when they did they would exploded into a billion new ones and the cycle would repeat endlessly. my thinking took all these senses into consideration and built ideas incorporating them. although i wasnt "gone" in a visual way.....i was gone. i was everywhere, i was nowhere, i was simultaneously everything that has ever been, and still unborn. a defining aspect of the experience was the cycle. for a portion of the trip it seemed like id have one thought that went of on a particular tanget, and as soon as it was resolved it would repeat. i cant actually remember the thoughts, but they werent positive. it was absolute fear, panic, negativity and every time i thought it may end it would repeat. i got the idea to try and count the times it cycled but for the life of me i couldnt figure out how. i could tell that there was the same beginning, content, and end to the thoughts....but every time it restarted i would loose all sense of anything before it except the fact id been through this before. this persisted until i came down, upon which i had the most overwhelmingly euphoric sense of relief and well being until i sobered up.
some thoughts and questions: the entire trip only lasted 1:25 minutes from ingestion until i came down enough to "see the world again". my girlfriend was actually slightly shorter duration, i didnt really start to come down much til she mentioned she was. why do you think the duration was so short? we each purged about 30minutes after drinking the acrb (1hr after rue), could that be it? could the syrian rue dose have been too low and some dmt was metabolized too quickly? weve all heard the reports of acrb being possibly orally active....maybe the rue did almost nothing and the acrb was operating mostly on its own? i believe that one report you can find on here and erowid (you know the one) also said the acrb solo was short and very intense, that would match my findings if that was the case.