Hi Everyone.
I am a normal person, I work, I have a family, and I have a really nice life.
I have never been a religious person, but I believe in knowing right from wrong.
Anyone who needs a book to know the difference, is worth worrying about haha.
The reason I have been interested in this is because someone very close to me had an experience, and I could not believe what he was telling me.
He told me he went to another place. I knew he was not lying to me.
Ever since he told me,( over 18 months ago) I have wondered, wondered what it was. So after researching it and reading, watching videos about it I eventually was in a position to try it.
The moment the experience began I was like "Oh yeah" I here again.
"Oh my goodness, ah yes I remember."
"Why Thankyou ever so much".
I could not believe it, it was like its all happened before.
It was all too familiar.
So familiar but yet so crazy and beautiful.
So do I ask question about what I experienced?
It's like I have always known, I have always known?
It was there right in front of me.
All I can say is WOW and once again.
Hello Everyone.
I am a liar, a compulsive liar, I love making up stories.
Do NOT believe a word I say!
When I talk about "I", I mean my friend, not me, my friend.
When time stands still and the world is removed, behold for this is the hidden kingdom..............