Hi, I'm Sky. This is my first post on this site.
I've looked around the forums, and I'm loving this community!
Now, so you guys can get to know me a bit, I'll tell a bit about me. I'm a skinny American who is obsessed with making things. I've done programming, web design, chemistry, and inventing new things as hobbies. I never could stand fiction books, so I've had nothing to do but study stuff my whole life.
These past three years have been insane. The first year, I biked through half the states in America, looking for the answer to who I really was in life. I did this with two pares of clothes, plastic bags to stick in my clothes to keep warm when needed, and a small amount of food/water. My second year, I moved into an apartment with a room mate. It got crazy. He threw parties constantly, even one that legitimately, lasted for 5 days nonstop. The cops showed up at our place every other day, and we even got raided by the police, for a crime committed by our neighbor. The third year, I got married. My first kid will be here soon. We moved away, than her father almost died. We took care of him for months, but now we are free to go about our lives.
Now, I have an office of my own, in a beautiful location in America. I analyze companies for other companies to invest in, and I do my own little pet projects.
I hope to find friends here now. Besides, my social life got killed when I got married