Starting with a single card is perfect. The card of the day method is very useful, draw a card every morning to just kind of glimpse the prevailing energy of the day. Look up the definition online and in the booklet and take some time to meditate with the card, explore it mentally and intuitively. This is useful in learning the tarot, and giving a good focus to create a meditation practice, win-win. It can be fun to come back at the end of the day and see how the card may (or may not) have applied to your experience of your day and explore it within meditation given your new perspective.
As far as ceremony, the way that is approached by each person will be unique, from a simple card focused meditation as above to an elaborate ritual. I will outline my process when I really go all out to illustrate.
First I will take a shower and smudge myself and my working space with something like sage or palo santo setting intention for purification and protection, I am particularly fond of copal.
In front of my reserved altar space I lay out my cards before me and meditate till I find a place of stillness within myself. From that space I draw the cards. The spread I use varies for different reasons and seasons, there are infinite possibilities, but to be honest I tend to mostly use pretty traditional spreads like the celtic cross or the simple 3 card situation/obstacle/advice.
I interpret the cards in the standard intellectual way, I may break out the books and cross reference definitions, take notes and the like. Then I go back within to sit with the cards and allow my intuition to tell me what it means.
Often I incorporate medicine work at this point, usually only very light doses as meditation aide. I am particularly fond of using the diviners sage for divining work. This ceremony is particularly well suited for approaching that ally.
I usually throw rune stones and sometimes even I-ching as well, I also do a lot of journaling, these ceremonies can go on for quite some time. When I am satisfied I have done the work I needed to do and gleaned the insights I needed I put everything up and clear the space, then usually go to bed lol.