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2012 Reconsidered; Updated Options
#21 Posted : 4/16/2009 11:07:09 AM

Kalt und Heiß, Schwarz und Rot, Kürper und Geist, Liebe und Chaos

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everythingsflashin wrote:
the sun, moon, and every planet except jupiter (but including pluto) are in the same 180 degree section of the sky.


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#22 Posted : 4/16/2009 6:45:27 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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DMT has already been shown to increase in mice due to stress, to extrapolate further of humans is of my own idea. It makes sense to me. Once again, you obviously didn't read any of the links, as I believe you like to attack people due to your own intellectual insecurities. Just my opinion, I willingly admit that the hypothesis is 'out there', you're simply trying to make yourself out to be better than me, which is okay, but to me, extremely repugnant and actually sad; however, its necessary for your dharma as an ignoramus.

If you read the 2 Electrophysiological Intuition links, perhaps you wouldn't be so obtuse and downright WRONG. These studies are quite conclusive in their findings that we do in fact respond to stress far before we actually feel it.

Eschaton I won't attack you rampantly anymore.

Anyway your right that DMT probably does rise in response to stress, I don't dispute. This has also been hypothesized to happen in humans theres an interesting paper out there on it http://www.scribd.com/do...-Dimethyltryptamine-DMT. But why would anything happening on 2012 specifically make DMT increase to such levels that it has a large impact on human functioning? That's really part of the crux as to why I don't buy into anything major happening on 2012.

Now lets say that astrological events can have such an impact on human metabolism because in some ways they do, the moon helps regulate cycles of plants and animals etc. But why DMT? Why would anything happening on 2012 effect DMT specifically and how could it do so without having significant effects on other aspects of human metabolism? I would expect such an event would probably have an impact on lots of neurotransmitter systems and might just outright kill us. I also would expect that for anything to happen being related to "galactic alignment" and "procession" and "solar cycles" would be gradual not on one single day, but I guess the other argument would be to say that it peaks or reaches its most "impactful" level at that day. Events that could have major impacts like cosmic rays, asteroids, comets, whatever could potentially devastate our planet but that can happen anything so its irrelevant for this discussion.

But yes for your information I have read lots of things on your website but not from your links on your website. Ive seen the papers about electrophysical basis of intuition and I understand the concepts of cycling universes and lots of other scientific studies you directly quote and base your theories on. But my main objection is not these studies most of them are doing what science does in proper form but rather the way the information is put together and the conclusions that are reached. That's where you take fact A and fact B and theory C and put it together to basically say anything you want about our universe and what might occur on 2012. Also some of the studies you quote are still controversial and may only be a small part of whats going on. For example the studies by Dr Persinger are still a bit controversial.

#23 Posted : 4/16/2009 9:24:26 PM

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burnt wrote:
DMT has already been shown to increase in mice due to stress, to extrapolate further of humans is of my own idea. It makes sense to me. Once again, you obviously didn't read any of the links, as I believe you like to attack people due to your own intellectual insecurities. Just my opinion, I willingly admit that the hypothesis is 'out there', you're simply trying to make yourself out to be better than me, which is okay, but to me, extremely repugnant and actually sad; however, its necessary for your dharma as an ignoramus.

If you read the 2 Electrophysiological Intuition links, perhaps you wouldn't be so obtuse and downright WRONG. These studies are quite conclusive in their findings that we do in fact respond to stress far before we actually feel it.

Eschaton I won't attack you rampantly anymore.

Anyway your right that DMT probably does rise in response to stress, I don't dispute. This has also been hypothesized to happen in humans theres an interesting paper out there on it http://www.scribd.com/do...-Dimethyltryptamine-DMT. But why would anything happening on 2012 specifically make DMT increase to such levels that it has a large impact on human functioning? That's really part of the crux as to why I don't buy into anything major happening on 2012.

Now lets say that astrological events can have such an impact on human metabolism because in some ways they do, the moon helps regulate cycles of plants and animals etc. But why DMT? Why would anything happening on 2012 effect DMT specifically and how could it do so without having significant effects on other aspects of human metabolism? I would expect such an event would probably have an impact on lots of neurotransmitter systems and might just outright kill us. I also would expect that for anything to happen being related to "galactic alignment" and "procession" and "solar cycles" would be gradual not on one single day, but I guess the other argument would be to say that it peaks or reaches its most "impactful" level at that day. Events that could have major impacts like cosmic rays, asteroids, comets, whatever could potentially devastate our planet but that can happen anything so its irrelevant for this discussion.

But yes for your information I have read lots of things on your website but not from your links on your website. Ive seen the papers about electrophysical basis of intuition and I understand the concepts of cycling universes and lots of other scientific studies you directly quote and base your theories on. But my main objection is not these studies most of them are doing what science does in proper form but rather the way the information is put together and the conclusions that are reached. That's where you take fact A and fact B and theory C and put it together to basically say anything you want about our universe and what might occur on 2012. Also some of the studies you quote are still controversial and may only be a small part of whats going on. For example the studies by Dr Persinger are still a bit controversial.

I appreciate the change in tone, thank you.

I am not trying to say that anything specific will happen on the given date of the 21st or 2012 at all. What I am merely suggesting is the fact that it could happen at any moment and perhaps the calendar could be a reminder that we do have expiration dates; civilizations, businesses, religions, and lives as well as calendars. That is really all I am suggesting by my hypothesis. I believe that as we approach the date our intuition of the impending event will cause certain peculiarities within the context of our awareness of reality. If such an event were to occur on a planetary level and by invoking planetary I do not mean every person at once, but a great majority, I am suggesting that we would feel something coming, a building of stress in our species that could possibly be driving our current evolution. I am suggesting that we would feel as though we were headed toward an unknowable breaking point and I believe this could manifest as political unrest that would make it seem like there was a possibility of a large scale war between nations. The final ironic nail in our coffin as we are preparing to kill each other for the last of the available resources will be the Great Flood; making us all realize that everything we previously held to be important meant absolutely nothing and that the relationships that we had with the people around us and how we treated them meant much more. I believe the ones who immediately perish realize God, if they are in fact able to, because it will occur relatively quickly and with devastating force.

The effect on metabolism would be from the fact that we will see, literally, fireballs raining from the sky and if you don't think that will trigger a highly elevated level of stress on our metabolism, then I really don't know how else to hold a discourse with you; as we will simply disagree or misunderstand eachother. I believe that this event would trigger a death experience; not simply just "outright kill us", as you apparently think. Nothing on the site claims that "galactic alignment" is involved regarding precession. I am beginning to think that you really haven't read the site, because my writing on precession has nothing to do with the New Age alignment. I have the links to the solar cycles on there, because I find them legitimately interesting and also very ironic that they point also toward 2012. To say that discussion of the effects of a cometary catastrophe is irrelevant, because they could happen at any time is possibly the most ignorant statement imaginable. If you do cherish the life on this planet at all, you would consider it a duty to be aware of such a possibility, as they have shown to be. Being aware of the possibility is basically why we are here; to realize that yes, we will die, and that it could happen at any moment, so we should cherish our time; not flit around with materialism while trying to conquer the universe, which is impossible by the way, through science's inevitable progress.

I think you may have read my website, but browsed mostly with a biased eye, which I understand, because I've been there. I know some of the papers are speculative, while others are tested and are publicly sanctioned. I am not trying to "be right" and claim that I have scientific proof. You clearly are of a different mind than me, and I am not trying to say I am better than you by such a statement, because I realize that the truth is that we all know very little to nothing about the big picture. We clearly differ, because you seem to be on the scientific materialism of inevitable progress side, while I am trying to peddle the exact opposite.

Thank you for your post, I appreciate it greatly.
#24 Posted : 4/16/2009 9:30:40 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I personally think the Mayan got tired of making more calender, so they stopped. Think if you had to make a calender in the way they did. I think after making three or four thousand years worth of calender, you'd wanna call it quits.
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#25 Posted : 4/16/2009 9:33:56 PM

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To say that discussion of the effects of a cometary catastrophe is irrelevant, because they could happen at any time is possibly the most ignorant statement imaginable.

I meant in relation to its effects on DMT production in the human in the sense that we would be either getting killed or working hard to survive which would definatly wake some people up but I think it has little to do with DMT and everything to do with survival (which DMT might be related too neuroanatomically speaking).

Anyway enough from me on this topic for now I apologize for past lashing out I was a bit stressed and took it out on your website for some reason. Then I realized I got angry about a website Rolling eyes
#26 Posted : 4/17/2009 1:05:17 AM

Sun Dragon

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VisualDistortion wrote:
I personally think the Mayan got tired of making more calender, so they stopped. Think if you had to make a calender in the way they did. I think after making three or four thousand years worth of calender, you'd wanna call it quits.

The calendar doesn't end, it just resets, like an odometer flipping over to 000000 again.
What, you ask, was the beginning of it all?
And it is this...

Existence that multiplied itself
For sheer delight of being
And plunged into numberless trillions of forms
So that it might
-Sri Aubobindo

Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
#27 Posted : 4/17/2009 1:34:05 AM

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Saidin wrote:
VisualDistortion wrote:
I personally think the Mayan got tired of making more calender, so they stopped. Think if you had to make a calender in the way they did. I think after making three or four thousand years worth of calender, you'd wanna call it quits.

The calendar doesn't end, it just resets, like an odometer flipping over to 000000 again.

Didn't a lot of ancient peoples have cyclic calendars like this?

I wonder when linear calendars were invented? The Hebrew calendar is linear but was invented by post-roman Hebrews. Was it a Roman concept?

#28 Posted : 4/17/2009 1:54:52 AM
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i do believe that there were many ancient cultures that had cyclical calendars.
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#29 Posted : 4/17/2009 3:26:39 AM

John Murdoch IV

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Science is young and limited to the physical reality. And has problems explaining things of infinite nature.

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#30 Posted : 4/17/2009 5:45:32 PM

Kalt und Heiß, Schwarz und Rot, Kürper und Geist, Liebe und Chaos

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Master of plants wrote:
Infundibulum wrote:
Here we go again. Why nobody's talking about 2013?

bwt, nice to see burnt back.

´cause there´s no 2013.

you wanna bet?

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#31 Posted : 4/17/2009 5:56:37 PM

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haha, lets start a pool. How do we make odds for this?
#32 Posted : 4/17/2009 7:03:05 PM

Sun Dragon

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deedle-doo wrote:
Didn't a lot of ancient peoples have cyclic calendars like this?

I wonder when linear calendars were invented? The Hebrew calendar is linear but was invented by post-roman Hebrews. Was it a Roman concept?

Yeah, most ancient cultures had cyclical calendars. I'm not positive, but I believe the linear calendar in the western world came about in the 1300's with the Gregorian Calendar which we use today, and is highly inaccurate compared to that of the Mayans.
What, you ask, was the beginning of it all?
And it is this...

Existence that multiplied itself
For sheer delight of being
And plunged into numberless trillions of forms
So that it might
-Sri Aubobindo

Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
#33 Posted : 4/17/2009 7:13:56 PM

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DMTripper wrote:
Science is young and limited to the physical reality. And has problems explaining things of infinite nature.

What about mathematics?
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#34 Posted : 4/18/2009 3:23:50 AM
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there WILL be a 2013. itll just be different. an no theres not anything in particular that will happen on the 21st. the process has already begun. it started about 70 some odd years ago. december 21st is significant as it marks the day we move into the 5th galactic day (or is it the 6th? i dont remember).
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#35 Posted : 4/19/2009 12:37:56 AM

Sun Dragon

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everythingsflashin wrote:
it started about 70 some odd years ago. december 21st is significant as it marks the day we move into the 5th galactic day (or is it the 6th? i dont remember).

It depends upon the culture, for some it is the 5th, others the 6th.
What, you ask, was the beginning of it all?
And it is this...

Existence that multiplied itself
For sheer delight of being
And plunged into numberless trillions of forms
So that it might
-Sri Aubobindo

Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
#36 Posted : 4/19/2009 2:58:55 AM

John Murdoch IV

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everythingsflashin wrote:
you know, one would think that the nexus would be somewhere i could find people that understood that there are things in this universe that are utterly unexplainable with our present day sciences and technology.

Yes there are plenty of them. Maybe some of them just don't like to argue about 2012 'cause the think it's a waste of time Wink

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#37 Posted : 4/23/2009 3:30:37 PM

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DMTripper wrote:
everythingsflashin wrote:
you know, one would think that the nexus would be somewhere i could find people that understood that there are things in this universe that are utterly unexplainable with our present day sciences and technology.

Yes there are plenty of them. Maybe some of them just don't like to argue about 2012 'cause the think it's a waste of time Wink

The universe itself for the most part is utterly inexplicable and seemingly beyond our comprehension, however, to not openly speculate and discuss ideas is anathema to the human enterprise. I concede to the ineffable presence of the universe, but I cannot solely observe it, keeping to myself; that to me, would be blasphemy. We need consensus; to say that discussing ideas is a waste of time is laughable, as long as the ideas in question are not absolutely preposterous* and serve no purpose for the greater understanding of the human drama. How you view a certain idea depends on your bias and temperament; 2012 is obviously chock full of stigma, but if you can take a little time, to as they say, "read between the lines", I think that you will see that we are in fact heading toward uncharted territory in regards to the planet's future and our own well being.

Or not.

*Science gets to run wild with speculation, so why not metaphysics/eschatology? (It has) Post-Einstein, there has been a gaping hole in our understanding of the universe and it is only widening. I agree that the vast majority of 2012 discussion is indeed pseudo-scientific and downright pointless, however, as I have been saying, there very well could be a little germ of truth behind such apprehension.

Or not.

As for the arguing part; I have found that the people who want to argue over 2012 are the scientific materialists who feel threatened by such speculation, or as I could also see, they are downright "offended" by such naivete. There is one little problem here, though, and that is, if you are an intellectual and are of a sound mind, you would realize that such negative verbiage is pointless and the only way to address such dialogue is by open ended discussion, not condemnation.

That's why scientists get the bad rap as being so elitist. However, many religious figures have been much, much worse and that stigma is with metaphysics still, unfortunately. Perhaps it is a necessary hurdle for the intellectual?

Or not.

#38 Posted : 4/23/2009 3:58:20 PM

Kalt und Heiß, Schwarz und Rot, Kürper und Geist, Liebe und Chaos

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DMTripper wrote:
everythingsflashin wrote:
you know, one would think that the nexus would be somewhere i could find people that understood that there are things in this universe that are utterly unexplainable with our present day sciences and technology.

Yes there are plenty of them. Maybe some of them just don't like to argue about 2012 'cause the think it's a waste of time Wink

Scientists totally understand that the universe thrives with unanswered questions and they do their best to explore them. But they like to walk with caution and not jump to conclusions.

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#39 Posted : 4/23/2009 5:09:42 PM

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This theory I find interested, but please know that I don't believe this to be 100% truth, I don't subscribe to his theory or try to spread it as truth, I am just as skeptical as the next guy...

to me, Greg Braden has probably the best hypothesis on 2012. He wrote a book about it (duh), saying that 2012 doesn't necessarily mark an inevitable destruction or consciousness shift, but that 2012, not specifically the 21st, but this period in history, is an opportunity for changes in the human psyche. He bases his theory on how our changing position relative to the center of the galaxy causes more radiation and solar wind to bombard the planet at different times due to our galaxy traveling through space. The added radiation theoretically causes subtle genetic mutations. I've heard some interesting theories about life on Earth (completely separate from 2012 jargon) that suggests this same cycle has helped life evolve faster and become more complex over eons by the added radiation, plus the relatively high amount of radiation that the Earth's crust already puts off.

So basically hes saying that we have the opportunity to become more enlightened as a result of increased radiation and solar wind and the effects that subtle mutations would have on our genes or brain or some shit I'd don't know.

This is not my theory, its Greg Braden's, so look him up if you want the details. I like this theory because it doesn't say that anything will happen FOR SURE, there's no endogenous DMT release, no destruction, no heavenly intelligence; it leaves it up to us. I'm already on a quest for knowledge and enlightenment, so if he's right I'm already in a good position and so are all the people here on the NEXUS.

That's my last 2012 thread contribution
All posts are fictional.
#40 Posted : 4/23/2009 6:33:25 PM
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970Codfert that is one of the main points of david wilcock's theory of 2012. except in his theory the torsion fields (you gotta look that up yourself, too much to explain) emitted from the center of the galaxy (which he considers to be conscious energy) sort of forces us to evolve. he states that if you follow evolution throughout earth history, there are unexplained leaps in evolution with no notifiable transition phase. these leaps in evolution coincide exactly with the torsion fields colliding with our solar system.

he uses an example in one of his interviews of an experiment done by a certain doctor whos name i cant remember where a no heat laser is shined through a salamander embryo and then deflected into a frog embryo. according to david, the frog embryo completely reconstructed itself into a salamander embryo and grew to be a fully mature salamander, capable of mating with others, with no genetic evidence of it having ever been a frog. that is what he is trying to say is happening with the solar system. we are getting a genetic upgrade from the galaxy.

i havent actually done any research on this alleged experiment so i cant account for its validity. but consider this next experiment.

a strand of DNA was placed in a container and light (photons) was shined at it. the photons were drawn to the DNA and moved along the spiral of the strand. when the DNA was removed, the light continued to follow its spiral for 30 days.

once again i cannot account for the validity of this experiment. i am only relaying theories and information.
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