About a month ago, my dog created some of the miracle. And after then, he was working on it every day. When i asked, he was talking about the real world, the goddess and etc. Yesterday, he came to me and gave me a cup of miracle. Said "Don't ask, just drink!" I did whatever he said. After one hour, I understood what was he talking about. I was in front of the goddess and was talking to her.
+ While you're doing all of this, i love you more.
- You love what?
+ You! Whatever you are, and wherever you are, I just love.
- What do you want?
+ Just give me your love. I've never witnessed anything like it.
- It is yours. Now relax...
+ Can I talk about you back there?
- Whatever you wish...
When I came back, I ran to my dog and said "Where did you learn?"
He said: "There is a place called Nexus. Do you know?"
Now I'm here. I think I was there because of this community and my dog. I love my dog, and I feel a responsibility to contribute this forum with you.
I have some information about the Islam myth (tasavvuf). And there's a place in "tasavvuf" that stayed away from the politics and terrorism. It's called Vahdet-ul Vucud (Oneness of the Being), and many people whose are brave enough to dig it, eventually fired from the Tasavvuf community because of their words.
Unlike Islam's main disciplines, they were saying "Everything is a part of Allah (Islam god). And bacause of that, everything is Allah. I'm Allah. Allah is in me."
I think I can write some essays about it, if you want...
Thanks Nexus, thanks again.