in the 2012 threads, there have been several references made to this guy.
Apparently some people believe that he is in the know about stuff.
so.... i checked him out on youtube.
i watched a speech he gave at some kind of convention.... and to be honest....
the guy sounded like an irrational douche.
although the topics he was discussing were of interest, he would them explain in a completely arbitrary way with little or nothing to back up his claims....
it also seemed like he would draw conclusions from things in an illogical way. One example; he said that the machine in the movie contact, is currently in opperation in some underground laboratory. when he was disscussing it, he used clips from the movie, and said that the machine in the clip had been built using 'sacred geometry*(i think he was reffering to a hexagon) like it was relevant for traveling through the fabric of time and space. Moments like that i thought, wow, thats a stretch... he must really want that to be true.
the purpose of this post, is to give this man the benifit of the doubt. Wow me..
what is it about this guy.... because, i just don't get it.
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, if they get upset with you for criticizing them, you will be a mile away and you will have their shoes.