Lurker, turned member!
After a long bout of depression (15+ years) I couldn't deal with any more medications. I searched for natural ways of getting through depression till I found the wonderful world of psychedelic's that since I was young was alway's told how the only thing they can do is make you crazy.
Well, they saved my life.
This forum is one of the first forums I found and reading about DMT was amazing. It took me 5 months of reading before I even plunged into shrooms, then LSD and finally after so much trying I FINALLY broke through on DMT last week.
No matter how much I read nothing could even describe the experience,but it was just amazing.
Before all this , I had so much hate,disgust,narrow minded thinking. Today I still suffer from depression, but at an amazing lower rate of it. I'm less materialistic, loving of people and I just want to help out where I can in this world.
Sorry for the long intro post,but this world has just changed my whole way of thinking upside down. I'm now on my path on figuring out how to better myself,others and the world if I can.
So thanks everyone for all the info on the forums!