The Present Moment renders concepts such as past or future obsolete , so whats all the predicting about then ?
anyways its possible to see a bit into the future like 15 minutes to a few hours , to do this i just stay present in the present moment , when my mind is totally clear any random thought that comes up like i start thinking about a friend and then the friend calls a few minutes to a few hours later
based on this i don't think atall and whenever a thought comes up i discard it fast as i know that one can not only look into the future ,
one can control it when i discard the thought fast without delving too much into it my friend will not call , yet if i start talking to my thoughts as if its happening and delve into it , i can be sure my friend will call
do not only look into the future people control it if you can , anyways it can lead to a lot of psychic garbage if your mind is not totally clear and can be too much for a mind that is not clear
the first skill to cultivate is being present in the moment , i listen to external sounds and use breathing tehniques aswell and an eye technique that i have directly learned from DMT
anyways i do not need entheogens to do this , also the thought needs to be in pictures rather than human language as anything your mind tells you in human language is wrong and not looking into the future atall , its all in the mental imagery not the left brain language
hopefully someone will have some fun with this as i hardly have any time to look into the past or future as i live totally in the present
also the powerful and the strong need not look into the future for they create it , i hope some of you can resonate with this ...........
long live forest trance
illusions !, there are no illusions
there is only that which is the truth