I haven't tried it and I can see both sides but I disagree.
I'm also mentally preparing. It seems to me that if a chemical accesses the depths of our consciousness (whether it is our own or consciousness at large will probably always remain debatable) approaching it clear-minded, with intent, and respect for our state of mind overall seems integral to me.
I've seen huge differences in the outcome for a positive, selfless, unattached person taking other psychedelics (LSD, mushrooms) vs. a self-absorbed, egotistical, afraid, materialistic reckless hedonistic preson taking the same chemical.
I've also been preparing by sleeping well, clean diet, exercise, meditation, gaining control and understanding over many aspects of my life, being mindful of my intentions, trying to eliminate any compulsive behaviours, eliminating caffeine and attuning to love and selflessness instead of self-centered egoistic patterns. Eliminating sources of instant gratification, foregoing sexual pleasure, bad habits and promoting clarity. Reinforcing and supporting neurotransmitter health as well, with herbs and holistic approaches that most people aren't aware of.
It seems to me that if a chemical or process acts to unravel egoism then doing that as much as possible ahead of time might progress one to more beautiful, eternal, infinite enlightening aspects of love.
Like the difference between getting hammered and trapped and ground up by Salvia, or her revealing infinity and basking in her compassion and nurturing love, it was in my mindset, approach, and intentions as well as other extraneous factors.
I'd see it more as lifting the cultural cloud/cocoon to promote clarity and purity.
I have a deep background in spirituality that I think will be highly conducive to reaching blissful states.
Oh I might have misinterpreted you- I'm sure anyone can smoke DMT but some might end up benefitting much more than others and affirming their already-discovered notions of what is true and eternal. Half of the banners picture a person in the lotus position, show chakra symbols and such, ganesh is on the forum entrance...
I'd advise anyone to do what they thought was right.
Edit: On a more personal note, I've seen relationship eifferences magnified under the influence of psychedelics to the point where dissolution of the relationship because of the different places they were at in terms of personal and spiritual growth/understanding, as infortunate as that might sound sometimes it seemed inevitable because people had paired up for reasons other than a deeper sense of connection or real relating.
"The world is his, who can see through it's pretension...see it to be a lie, and you have already dealt it its final blow..." -Ralph W. Emerson