Dunghippy wrote:SWIM was going to ask basically the same thing as he has separated dmt saturated goo and fluffy white dmt into two parts and would like to know exactly what to do with the goo and how to go about smoking it. The same goes for the fluffy white dmt. SWIM imagines they are smoked or handled a little differently considering their structure etc.
SWIM has checked out the changa forum but it doesn't seem as user friendly as he would like it to be. Most folks there are experienced smokers.
So far it seems dried mint is an easy route to go but SWIM isn't sure. SWIM has pure grain alcohol he can use to dissolve and enhance the mint or herb.
Upon some further reading SWIM has gotten enhanced leaf mixed up with changa as he is extremely new to these things. Hopefully the mint rout will workout.
https://wiki.dmt-nexus.m...ndbook#Leaf_Enhancement This is a step by step pictorial from the WIKI. Just follow this and you'll be good to go, whether it be using your crystals or the goo.
But if you'd like to follow my method you can do so. To make some enhanced leaf:
-Isopropyl alcohol or high proof alcohol
-shot glass
-dmt goo or crystals
-warm surface of something in the house
Make a 1:1 ratio of dmtgoo:herb. Soo if you have 1 gram of goo, then use 1 gram of herb to infuse. If you have 755mg of goo, then use 755m of leaf to infuse. You get my drift.
For knowing how much alcohol to use to dissolve DMT, i typically use 30ml per 1g of DMT crystals, so just use a similar ratio for the goo.
Put your choice herb/herbs in shot glass. In another shot glass dissolve the appropriate amount of DMT and/or DMTgoo in said amount of isopropyl or high proof alcohol. Stir until DMT xtals/DMTgoo is fully dissolved.
Dump the dissolved DMT into the other glass with the herb/herbs. Stir around for a minute. Then put the shot glss/small dish on a 'warm' surface (away from open flame). Check every half hour and stir gently making sure all is evenly distributed.
When the alcohol is fully evaporated take the enhanced leaf out and put in an open tray/dish and put in front of fan for several hours until dry. After that, it's ready to smoke! Just cherry the herb and drag it SLOW, taking long slow, full hits. Hit it til you can't hit it no more! Hold each hit 10-15 seconds.
If you want to go from enhanced leaf to 'changa' you must either add extracted harmalas from either b. caapi or syrian rue seeds. There are several teks in the wiki that show how to extract harmalas.
If you don't want to take the time to extract harmalas you can just use pulverized b. caapi vine in your herb mix or even b. caapi leaves. But adding extracted harmalas to your blend will be a much more pronounced version of 'changa' than just using leaf/vine.
hope this helped!
much love,
much love,