Drinking multiple times extends the journey a lot for obvious reasons. I like to drink a cup and drink a second or even third cup within an hour to 90 min later. This way I have a solid 6 hours of strong effects.
I don't know the exact pharmacology behind this but my hunch would be the maoi wears off before the dmt is fully processed by the body hence ending the experience. Taking the dmt after your maoi will make the come up fast and strong but wont exactly significantly extend the journey as good as re dosing does or drinking a very vine or rue heavy brew. When the maoi is done working your journey ends no matter how you space out the dmt dose.
IME that is.
I would try re dosing only the rue at and hour if you know your dmt dose is adequate. If my hunch is correct that should extend the hell out of the experience but not make it too powerful.
Oral and aya are pretty strange stuff. They don't seem to follow logic or physics. There is definitely more going on this just dosing. For example;
I have never understood how this could happen but has happened to me and Ive seen it happen to many others in ceremony. You drink a strong cup of brew and for whatever reason that night you fight to hold it down for just 5-10 min and then purge violently. Those have been the absolute strongest full breakthrough experiences I have ever had with ayahuasca and it doesn't make sense.
Another example is my body takes about 30 min to even start to feel the dmt and sometimes up to an hour but I have had full on strong vivid hallucination at the 5 min mark, maybe 10 tops but everything else is crystal clear sober feeling other than shadow spirits flying through the Maloka. This has also happened to my girlfriend and this has been all from the same ayahausca brew. One night it hits hard the next even double the dose from the night before may be a dud.
Both these example from my understanding of how dmt and aya are processed shouldn't be possible. Especially purging up the huge majority of the cup you drank yet tripping very very hard.
One thing I know about aya is you get what you get more times than get what you tried to get. I have honestly drank huge amounts and felt next to nothing before. If your not ready to receive the gift it simply wont happen. That's been my experience.
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!Troubles Breaking Through? Click here.
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