Yes, DMT was definitely worth the wait. 23 years, that is a long time.
I've been interested in, and experimenting with psychedelics since I was 18, which is almost twenty years ago. It all started with sheet-acid tabs (speed based) for kicks. I grew up in place where various types of Cacti, and mushroom were obtained locally. So these popped up on the menu, and experience, perspective, and introspection became more the driving force, rather than just getting lit. Very early on, pre-internet days, I remember picking bags of mushrooms, stuffing them in big empty pickling jars, pouring in honey, and leaving them to turn into a black sludge over the course of a few months. We'd then strain the contents, and have a tablespoon full each, and go surfing, or sit at a waterfall all day long. That was the best!
The DMT that I tried first came from a long time friend, and psychedelic cohort, who had been getting some on a semi-regular basis from a buddy who was doing the extraction. Being from Australia, this was from, I believe, the Acacia, Maidens Wattle. I took it in low and slow, like I had read, and how my mate had instructed. Three full inhales, held in deep was enough to ensure a breakthough. I was gone completely after inhaling the second time. The third breathe in was only achievable through my mates insistency. It was a total game changer. Suddenly I understood everything, and I was nothing. Of course, a week later only strands of remembrance of those events remained. Twelve months later, even less to grasp from the event. I've found trying to recall the elements of a DMT experience is like swimming in a stream. When you're in it, you're completely wet. Then you get out, start to dry almost immediately, and soon enough not much evidence can be found from going for a dip in the first place. Although, things are never quite the same again. They can't be.
I obtained some more DMT quite recently. I didn't extract it myself, but I am super keen to do so. I just want to invest some more time researching Teks, finding a sustainable source etc.
My job has to do with electronics. It's the least interesting thing in my world, and no need to talk about it any further.
My passions are sound recording, writing etc. Also, I love science. Quantum physics, String theory, Mandelbrot's set (fractal geometry), Fibonacci's spiral, Tesla, and all that kinda hoo har! I guess my passion for these scientific ideas, and the lessons DMT, and other psychedelics can teach, make for a nice little teaparty in my mind, where all the questions, and answers are there somewhere. It's for each one of us to work out which one is which. Since, we are silly humans. Trying to figure it out! Absurd!
Which brings me to my other love, Carl Jung - and his Red Book. He was a great mystic! It's funny how in the last decade or so, the lines have blurred between true science and what was once seen as occult, or science fiction. Joy! Science is catching up.
It's interesting you mention the word 'privilege', everyone seems to get that vibe. I do too. I feel bad for the ignorant, but ignorance is the enemy.
Thanks for the welcome!