So I have never done anything remotely similar to DMT, Caapi ect. I've only ever really smoke cannabis and meditated to get into an altered state. So after some serious reading and forum stalking (a lot of which I did here) I decided to get ahold of some Yellow Caapi vine and try a Caapi only brew as an initiation to the journey.
I did the 3x3 50g brew with vinegar (the taste without vinegar I did on a small brew was so much hetter tasting) and then drank it last night. I could feel it working around within the first 10 minutes but just seemed to idle. It wasn't until after an hour did it really kick up. It wasn't really what I expected though, I think I was probably expecting more of a clearer experience. It was like dreaming while awake, it seemed to work better with certain kinds of music, it was almost like watching a music video with the music. I got more response while listening to a band called Wardruna, so I kept on going down that until time slipped away from me. The dreamy state ended after a couple of hours most of which was pretty abstract and didn't really get much personal info from. I also felt while in the height of the experience my crown chakra pulsing. At one stage I thought maybe my heart was racing because it was a strange feeling, checked the pulse and it was normal.
I have to say I didn't purge at all, I could careless about throwing up but it didn't happen so there is that... I've got an iron gut?
So having reflected on the experience this morning I still feel the way I did after coming down from the height of the experience. I want a more personal, spiritual experience I want to get a more defined spiritual path and a sense of what I should be doing in life. I guess I was hoping to have got even a little of an answer with the brew I did, but I think I may need to try an admixture. I would prefer a more gentle experience to know what to expect