Quote:One of SWIM's favorite things about tripping in the woods is when the sun comes up the next morning. The actual sunrise is hidden from view because of the mountains and it just slowly, slowly becomes more and more light out. Before you know it you can see everything and the birds.... oh my god , the birds, listening to the birds sing while your still tripping at 6:00 am is heavenly. So relaxing. Its amazing how multiple birds from locations all around you can assemble a song by just singing a small part as an individual.
Oh, the birds at dawn!! I've been in the forest till morning on LSD a number of times (way too long ago
) & you are right on the money with the sunrise, all of nature waking up & the birds singing their songs...
It's like being there at dawn, on the first day of existence!!
Everything feels so fresh & clean & new, perfect!!
Have you ever been listening to the birds singing & started to notice there is a conversation going on between them?
Normally I don't notice it, even when I try (
& I've tried).
But in the forest, at dawn, on few hundred mics of very pure liquid LSD, I've been able to notice & follow the birds talking to each other, back & forth!! The sound coming from one direction, then the other, then back. Getting louder & faster when anyone of my group stood up & moved around at all.
I'm not saying I understood what they were saying, but I was following the conversation around the trees!!
It was like they were watching & talking about us.
We were after all,
in their bedroom when they woke up that morning. Cause for conversation no matter what species you are...
It was quite fascinating to say the least!!
That was LSD though, I'm a big fan of sensory deprivation when taking DMT too.
I'd like to try smoking DMT out in the forest, but it would have to be at a place I felt very secure & there was no chance of someone strolling by & wanting to talk or something...
I am planning to take a trip to the woods with some close friends to camp out & drink some Ayahuasca, as soon as it warms up a little bit more. Just trying to find someone who is willing to come with us & remain sober, to run interference while the rest of us are of
out there, in our minds.
A designated driver, so to speak.
Here is why:
On the birdsong camp out I mentioned before, about an 1.5 hours after
we all took way too much acid, the park ranger came by our campsite, just to say hi & shoot the shit!! We were all just beginning to peak hard & this guy wanted to have a small chat with us about how good the fishing was, a mile further down the river... We were all freaking out to say the least!!!
Pretty sure he was just being friendly though.
Another time, camping in the woods with my pals & too much acid, a weird, mountain-man, hillbilly-type guy, came into our camp,
minutes after dosing and began talking to us,
using all of our first names (there were 8 of us)!!
Meaning, he had been
watching us from the woods, long enough to pickup each of our names from conversations we were having while setting up the camp!!!
He was carrying a shotgun & just kept hanging around, saying all kinds of crazy shit & he kept referring to "
his mountain"...!!
Needless to say, that camping
trip was not as lighthearted & fun as the one with the birds.
We were all paranoid that this guy was still out there watching us all night & at first light, we broke camp, cleaned up our shit & hit the fucking road!!
I have not been out there since!!
So anyway the whole tripping with nature thing is one of the most beautiful experiences I've had in my life!!
At the same time, I wouldn't do it like I used to, there needs to be
at least one person with us who is staying in his/her skull to deal with the outside world, so the rest of us don't have to have that issue bouncing around the backs of our minds the whole time!!
And if another hillbilly turns up, we don't have to wait until morning (
that is one long-ass night!) to be sober enough to get in the car & get the hell out of Dodge!
The consciousness of all living things, plants & animals, & the connection we have to that life force, is one of the lasting benefits that psychedelic use has given to me. Before spending most of a certain summer, laying beside a river just breathing in the living beauty of the nature around me, I never even noticed such things.
15 years later, (
10+ yrs since taking any LSD), I can still step outside my front door, in the middle of a large city, and feel the life & consciousness of the few trees I can see there. It brings a peace over me to sit & watch them sometimes to this day!
I also seemed to have gained a "
connection" to most animals, that manifested that summer by the river as well. To this day, my sister calls me
the animal-whisperer (
cheesy, I know) because for some reason, I can easily gain the trust of most animals (tame or wild) within a couple of minutes & become "friends" with them. Even animals who are totally freaked by most humans etc...
Its like I can feel their "
vibe", & they can
feel mine, so we
OK that sounds stupid, I've never put it into words before, but it is legitimate all the same...Anyway, taking psychedelics out in a natural surrounding (
LSD in particular) definitely had a major role in creating these lasting connections with nature & the common lifeforce running through us all!!
Sorry for drifting the topic...
All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!