lead...... be an example for others
Once again a repeat performance, the most beautiful day imaginable.
starts out with about 2- 3 grams of wonderful mushrooms. Later on a batch of caapi tea.
Then a vigorous hike up the mountain to the spot. I have to wonder how much ones choice of spot plays into all of this anyway. Cut to the chase, the latest incarnation of the transcendence mechanism. Spice at peak of mushroom wave, no fear... all trust.
Trust it, forget everything you ever learned about spice for a moment.
Purity of intent ( Antrocles is right)
reasonably uncluttered mind,
a simple stable lifestyle,
enough experience to not be easily frightened
tools like chanting to stay the course.
out in nature
You must trust it on a deep level. As in real trust, it can tell the difference.
This thing can decide to let you in or not. It can decide to hit you with scary shit like jesters and clowns. For me no more of that, my new found trust has allowed it to unfold in new ways. Perhaps that's all an illusion. Its hard to distinguish between whats real and whats human projection.
Anyway, cut to: deep olympic level hits held for as long as possible.
feels like swimming up through a thick membrane or fluid
its a void that separates this from that. There is a distinctive here and there.
takes alot of effort and focus to push through. There seems to be an overseeing force in this in between realm.
Pushing up through ....Arrival: Its amazing oh my god its .... so amazing try to stay calm... colors, patterns
my mind has exploded open to reveal an infinite landscape I am one with it. I feel the
presence of a higher force that has allowed me to be here. They have left me alone in this place, its my own private harlequin paradise. There is a sense that I've been allowed access to this. I push further into it, the colors give way like an infinite 10 D kaleidoscope , the less astonished I am the deeper it goes. I'm trying to stay calm but its difficult. I am one with this now, I cant tell if my eyes are open or closed I simply cant remember now. My mind has expanded outward into an infinite hyperspacial landscape and I am swimming in it. Once again words break down. No sense of body, just pure oneness with something divine and natural. Its an infinite universe within all of us, the most beautiful place ever imaginable then one hundred times better than that.
The best part for last:
After 2 runs up into this thing I return to this reality and I am in shock once again. I sit wondering and asking as I have many times before: " what is this?" " what do i do with this?" How , what? why me? Am I going crazy here?
suddenly my mind is taken for a moment between short little breaths I recieve a message like some kind of channel , its a weird feeling the message come through clear as a bell
it says : Lead ..........be an example for others ....
Lead ..... be an example for others......
I'm in shock its so beautiful I cant believe it ..... I start crying uncontrollable I cant stop , the message is so beautiful and simple I'm overwhelmed .
I don't know how long I cried..... . To be touched by the divine is beyond words..........
I have nothing but the deepest respect and gratitude for these plant teachers.
I love them deeply with all my heart.
lead.....be an example for others...
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke