One of my grandparents passed away yesterday, after a long illness. It was not unexpected, but these times are never easy.
I vaped a large dose of DMT, several times last night, and the overall response I felt was one of ease, serenity, oneness, and at points, as if guidance were being given. There was a lot of smiling by myself and in the imagery (OEV, CEV) I experienced.
I'm becoming aware that some of my experiences on DMT are uniquely concrete in their "realness" (as I perceive it, subjectively) and at the same time if I were to say to someone, "I can speak to the dead" it would sound crazy, but also not describe what I experienced. It was an exchange of information, my antenna was receiving communication, thinking, understanding all that was conveyed. But this was not like some trumped-up experience with a medium where communication is in discrete packets and messages, exactly. It was diffuse, deeper. I loved the sense of reassurance that this experience left me with.
I was wondering if anyone had used DMT during a similar time frame of a friend or loved one's passing and if that experience differed from a time much later after a friend/loved one's death?
Thanks. And thanks for the site.