Hello everyone,
I'm twenty-eight years old and have zero experience with psychedelics. I'm hoping to glean some insight from the wealth of experience on this message board to try to determine whether Ayahuasca, or some other form of psychedelic, would help me to achieve my spiritual and psychological goals. I'll try to explain myself to the best of my ability. I apologize in advance if what follows turns into mostly incoherent, unstructured rambling.
I've always felt that I have a good conceptual understanding of the "oneness" of everything. The core of my belief structure is based around the idea that I am simply a form of conscious, perceptive energy. However, I feel that there is some kind of barrier preventing me from having a
true understanding of the nature of my own existence and connectedness with the universe around me. Although I have felt extremely powerful glimpses of it, something inside of me is preventing me from feeling the universal love and contentedness that I know exists on the other side of this "wall."
I'm generally very happy with my life. I am currently going through a divorce which has turned out to be a very good thing as I am exponentially happier. I've stumbled into a relationship with a girl who is essentially everything I have ever wanted in a companion and I have a very successful, rewarding career. I also have a great hobby which provides an outlet for my creativity and competitiveness.
However, as with all of us, there are a few potentially dark spots in my life. A couple of years ago my relationship with my parents and family deteriorated to the point where I've cut off all communication with them. I'm really okay with this, and I'm pretty sure any sort of negative feelings I have about the situation are due to worry that I should probably feel worse about it than I do, if that makes any sense.
From DMT I'm hoping to be able to chip away at my ego and sense of self in order to gain a higher understanding of my reality. My primary concern is that the lack of an experienced guide/teacher increases any potential that exists for a negative experience. I'm wondering, considering the fact that I'm already happy with my existence, would I be better off using other means such as yoga or meditation to deepen my spiritual understanding?
Thank you in advance.