Greetings All,
Here in the Nexus, my name is Eliahu. I am 42 years old and live somewhere in the North American Continent. I have just recently begun my journey with Ayahuasca, and I am thrilled that there is a place on the web where I can commune with my fellow spiritual seekers. Perhaps you can see from my chosen name, I am Jewish. I have been exploring paths to the Divine all of my life, and feel that Judaism encompasses both powerful mundane and esoteric paths to the divine. Also, being a Westerner, I find it easier to identify with Western-style Spirituality. -Just a personal preference- I respect all religions and spiritual paths which promote PEACE and shun violence.
So how does a practicing Kabbalistic, Modern Orthodox Jew become involved with Ayahuasca? I have always been interested in Entheogens and Psychedelics, as I feel that they have played a major role in human awareness of the Divine. I am a Cultural Anthropologist and Theologian. I feel that I may have something of value to add to the Nexus, and perhaps can offer some advice on how best to find the key which opens the "doors of perception". As an interesting side note, there has been a scholarly paper published which hypothesizes that Psychedelics (Syrian Rue, et al.) played a major role in the beginnings of Judaism. I find it fascinating, and completely plausible.
I recently successfully brewed my first batch of Ayahuasca, and I am completely in awe of its power and majesty. I believe that it has much to teach me, and that it is the Merkavah (Fiery Chariot) that I have been searching for.
I would like to be considered for full membership and look forward to many rewarding hours here in the Nexus.