Great discussion. Good, solid points on both sides of this argument.
hixidom wrote:There are a lot of things that aren't for everybody: Firearms, religion, money, marriage... There are a lot of people who don't handle these things well and/or use them recklessly. That doesn't mean that it should be illegal for everyone to use them. DMT is one of the safer drugs I have experienced in terms of psychological influence and physical danger. At the very most, a licence should be required to use it.
Let's look at the people that are currently deemed sane & responsible enough by
law & policies of our present day societies to wield powerfull fire arms:
Police Officers, Soldiers, DEA officers & Navy Seals. Have these people never used
their fire arms wrecklessly?
Remember the CIA being deemed "responsible enough folks" to expiriment with psycho-active drugs by the US government? I remember reading many accounts of the CIA testing LSD, BZ(3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate), Scopolamine & Atropine on unknowing victims: Mainly prisoners & Soldiers. Doesn't send like a very responsible & benign use of psychoactive drugs to me.
My point with these examples is:
I agree that not everyone should be legally allowed to use psychoactive drugs. It's just
that the "rules" that decide who are responsible & benign enough to use them (and who not)
are currently wrong and should be mindfully rewritten.
Now predatorious organisations like the CIA are given permission to use psychoactives in gnarly, harmfull experiments like I just mentioned. In hopes of attaining zombification drugs with which to get falsely accused "state enemies" to give false "confessions" of their "crimes" in the good ol' Show Trials that police states likes to orchestrate.
They might decide to use such delirant drugs on Bradley Manning to get him to give a false confession of his "treason".
Other harmfull use of drugs can be by manipulative psychopaths like Charles Manson &
Shoko Asahara should obviously also fall into this cathegory of outlawed psychoactive drug-use. And off course the common Meth dealers fall into this cathegory too; Making money by helping irresponsible, psychologically troubled people destroy themselves. Violent, bloodthursty Maffia organisations that ruin societies the world over, also use
drug-dealing to increase their wealth & power.
These nefarious uses of Psychoactive drugs should be strictly outlawed. off course.
And visciously & mercylessly persecuted. No need to explain why to any sane human being.
I've been thinking about a way to decide who's responsible & benign enough to be allowed
use of psychoactive drugs legally, but without total prohibition like we have now.
Perhaps a school for the responsible & benign use of Psychoactive drugs could do just that.
A school where people can be tested and educated in psychactive drug-use. I can imagine
this study would include alot of theory with some practical lessons in between.
Classes in Harm reduction; Knowing the Risks(of each drug), Responsible use of Psychedelic drugs(Purity of intent, Making safety a priority, set & setting..etc) and off course the fine art of Psychedelic botany(& mycology).
The first period of the study could include most tests, from which to determine wether people are resonsible & benign enough to be trusted with psychoactive drugs. If it turns out they are psychopathic, Psychologically so unstable and/or confused that psychoactive drug-use is likely to trigger harmfull behaviours(to others & to themselves) such as severe addiction, aggression depression & psychosis or something else that indicates that entrusting them with Psychoactive drugs could lead to serious harm, then these particular people could be denied further knowledge(of ethnobotany, extractions & psychoactive preparations) and will not be granted the certificate that allows one access to Psychedelic plants & compounds.
If people fail these tests, they may return after a number of years to try again.
People can change with time. They should be allowed to prove that.
Might such a Psychoactive education system work?