There is this book,
Ayahuasca and Health, organized by Bia Labate and Bouso, but Im not sure if there's an english edition.
Nevertheless the book content/abstracts can give good idea where to look, authors to contact or search for their publications elsewhere, etc.
There are a few possible therapeutic uses for ayahuasca. In treatment of addictions (mabit 2002). Ayahausca might also work in treatment of depression in many levels, due to subjective insights gained during the experience but also pharmacologically (harmalas are MAOIs, same class as some anti-depressants. THH is also weak SSRI, increasing amount of serotonin (MCKENNA et al, 1998 ). There is one exploratory study showing there is efficacy in treating depression (
Osorio et al 2011)
There's a few more papers out there that might be of interest. This one mentions some of the possible areas of work and the difficulties of investigating due to regulation (
MCKENNA 2004 )
Another text about Banisteriopsis vine and it's potential medical applications (
De Frias et al 2012)
There's also this one talking specifically about harmine and how it has many useful properties (antimicrobial, antifungal, antitumor, cytotoxic, antiplasmodial, antioxidaant, antimutagenic, antigenotoxic) (
Patel et al 2012)
Years ago when I graduated in university my final work was about the therapeutic use of entheogens. I mention ayahuasca, amongst other substances.. Might be of some use for the bibliography mentioned and ideas on possible therapeutic applications.
Here's the paper
Hope that gets you in the right direction
Sources mentioned:
DE FRIAS et al 2012 Banisteriopsis Species: A Source of Bioactive of Potential Medical
Application International Journal of Biotechnology for Wellness Industries,2012, 1, 163-171
PATEL et al 2012 A review on medicinal importance, pharmacological activity and bioanalytical aspects of beta-carboline alkaloid “Harmine” Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine Volume 2, Issue 8
MABIT, Jacques. Using medicinal Indigenous knowledge to treat drug addiction. In:
MAPS Bulletin (2002), Volume XII, Number 2.
MCKENNA, D. et al. (199
The scientific investigation of ayahuasca: a review of
past and current research. In: The Heffter Review of Psychedelic Research, 1: 65-77.