Hello all, thank you for allowing me to visit your fascinating site.
I just learned of DMT for the first time yesterday via an excellent video on Netflix. In case it might be useful for other novices, here's a link to the full video on YouTube.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D48Wm3ewx-wAs way of introduction, I'm a 61 year old male programmer, and live in Florida with my wife, an avid wildlife rehabber. We're both nuts about nature.
I used LSD numerous times in the sixties, and still have the long hair :-) but currently use only the smallest amounts of pot. Less is more these days for me...
I'm pathologically philosophical :-) and am very interested in this aspect of DMT and similar substances. I'm very much looking forward to learning more from you in this regard.
I've started a thread in another forum where I am collecting and sharing my emerging education on this subject. I'll provide the link if requested. Surely members here would be a more valuable resource to that thread than I can be.
That's a start. I look forward to meeting all of you and learning from your experiences.