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Acacia Extraction Workspace Options
#61 Posted : 5/14/2013 6:44:58 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I just bioassayed roughly 25mg of the extract from the "mystery acacia" a few minutes a ago via layering some of the glassy textured goo (it has a crystalline texture after being scraped up but is still sticky and clumps) between pieces of its phyllode.. not DMT which is apparent upon the mildly bitter taste but definitely active - I feel incredibly light and warm in the body.. very pleasant physical effects- whilst also very tranced out... its easy to dissolve in myself in whatever I am looking at to the point of getting lost in almost grid like visions.. mild visual distortion in the sense that everything is brighter and has more "energy" buzzing around it.. even typing at the moment I am taking huge pauses forgetting that I am even typing..no tracers or anything but its a "space". I am going go relax and keep increasing the doseage and see where I can take the headspace.. the effects feel like they are still rising. bye for now!

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#62 Posted : 6/2/2013 3:23:49 AM


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So from what i can gather the Phylode experiment 3 would be the best way to use phylodes correct?

Sorry the experiment kind of confused me but from what i can gather i will have to do the whole experiment to get the results of ß correct?

Also i noticed unlike other methods in this experiment only one amount of liquid is poured off during the acid cook stage in ß (beta) and also one amount of liquid is poured off after bringing the ethanol to a boil in ∂ (alpha)? is this right?
I am used to pouring off my acid boils 3 times before reducing, so should i just follow the experiment or you supposed to pour off, refill with acidic water and repeat until you have boiled and poured off 3x?

Appreciate any help guys

Heres a copy of the experiment:

the Phyllode Tek Experiment 3

plant material..a friend and i observed an interesting looking small population of Acacia maidenii in NSW..this population shares some characteristics with A. obtusifolia in that it's pods are less coiled than typical maidenii (though not as 'straight' as obtusifolia, which typically has mildly convex pods), but it's phyllodes are not as thick and leathery as obtusifolia, nor blunt (as in the meaning of obtusifolia)..
it has been previously seen flowering in spring (September)

recently, i witnessed an experiment in which the leaf and twig were extracted as follows:

..500grams of A. maidenii phyllode and small twig were crumbled and broken by hand..leaves would have averaged 3-5 'breaks'/sections, meaning it was not especially finely ground/processed
..the material was covered with ethanol/H20/vinegar 90:5:5, and allowed to stand for 2-3 hours..
..the solution and plant material were then heated at approximately 70-80 degrees C, allowing the ethanol to boil..it took a medium red colour, around 2.3 litres..
..the liquid was poured off, reduced in volume by 75%, and filtered several times through unbleached cotton..a large of amount of particulate matter/tar amd gum was collected in the filter and discared..the volume was reduced to 300ml and brought to ph 5-6 with vinegar (a small dash)..this was labled ∂ (alpha)
..the plant material was then shaken with 250ml of ethanol for 30-45 seconds, this was discarded and combined with the first lot of liquid..
the phyllodes were then covered with H20 and approx. 100ml vinegar, and allowed to stand for 16 hours..it was then boiled for 40minutes..it took a golden/red colour with a slight milky cloudiness..
..the liquid was again poured off, reduced, and filtered several times..far less tar/gum was caught than in the alpha extraction..it was reduced to 300ml, final pH 5..this was labled the ß (beta) extraction..
..both acid solutions were then brought to pH 12-12.5 with NaOH/H20 solution, allowed to cool to room temperature, mixed with equal portions of dichloromethane, violently shaken for 10 minutes, and left to stand..clear separation of polar/non-polar layers took approx 1-2 hours..the NP solvent took on a mild yellow colour in both..
..the NP solvent was drained, washed once with H20/NaOH/NaCl solution (pH 8 ), re-separated after 20 minutes, and evaporated with a non-heat fan..
..after around 12 hours both extractions were a yellowish oil, though ∂ had more yellow, and signs of gum still congealing (pale brown paste)
..so..the results..?
∂ resulted in 30-40mg of a yellow/beige 'toffee' which would not completely solidify after another 24 hours of standing..experience and bioassay suggested that it was probably at least half nmt (n-methyltryptamine)
ß resulted in almost 1.5 grams (yes, 1500mg) of mainly off-white dmt soft crystals, with small amounts of yellow conglomerations..crystalization was sped up by scratching the surface of the 'oil' with a needle..later assay suggested mainly dmt, though it did not completely solidify, reverting to 'putty', often caused by nmt with betacarbolines, and perhaps trace fatty acids..these do not detract from the experiential aspect..

..a third 'pull', with 40minutes heat as in the beta, resulted in maybe 50mg alkaloid at most, so esstentially the ß extracted most of the alkaloids..
the percentage, then, of this A. maidenii was around 0.3% [from phyllode/small twig 80:20]..qualitively it was probably, in the case of the ß at least 85% dmt,with probably some nmt (slight duration extension and extra spatialness) and trace betacarbolines (as suggested by a slightly slowed onset at assay, and again slight time extension..according to the bio-assayer)

so, this would suggest, amongst other things, that some tests would find only a small percentage, not going through the extra stage as described here..also, it suggests that water slightly fortified with ethanol and a dash of white vinegar is the preferred solution..

..some brands of methylated spirits (95% ethanol) can be substituted, check carefully for residues;
methanol is the most efficient but is very poisonous and has no smell, so should not be used outside of safe lab conditionsl..due to reaction problems caused by some acids with acacias specifically i would suggest using (for now) only either acetic, dilute sulphuric, or citric acids
..as far as non-polar solvent choices go, hexane and xylene will work as well as described above in place of dcm; naphtha will usually require 2-3 pulls or extractions from the basic solution, whereas these other solvents require often only 1 solvent washing (they have a higher 'holding capacity', or solubility ratio)
..d-limonine..endlessness has achieved very good general dmt extraction results with the more 'natural' d-limonine (NP solvent derived from oil of lemon/citrus, naturally occuring in traces in the rind) ..this is perhaps what 'from plant' purists & organicists best use..
..chloroform is the common scientific standard NP solvent for such tasks, but should not be exposed to sunlight or left standing for long with alkaloids, or can react, as can to a lesser extent other chlorinated hydrocarbons..
for more detail on basifying alternatives to NaOH (some potentially less harsh)
and solvent choices/comparison, search the extraction subforums of the Nexus..

..hope this info is helpful, encourages sustainable leaf teks, and leads to less likely wastage of long grown plant material through inefficient or failed extraction..

please be kind to trees and grow them..
#63 Posted : 6/4/2013 1:51:03 AM


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Sorry i really need an answer for my acid boil question.

Kind Regards
#64 Posted : 6/4/2013 3:03:37 AM
member for the trees

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SLICeR wrote:
I am used to pouring off my acid boils 3 times before reducing

..this is fine..
part of this thread's aim is to show that there is no 'correct' way, and to suggest experimentation..different methods will work..
#65 Posted : 7/23/2013 1:35:21 AM

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Acacia Melanoxyn test

Trunk: rough texture
Phyllode: 9-10cm length width: variable between 2.5 and 4cm. The phyllodes were taken from 3 trees roughly 3 meters apart. one of the trees has slightly less broad phyllodes (maybe about half a cm difference) and slightly lighter green foliage. [the lighter colour I thought could be due to more sun exposure as it was not as close to other trees and more exposed] - phyllodes twisted, elliptical varying to oblanceolate with 3 prominent veins, strongly anatomising

1. Phyllodes were taken from reasonably mature trees (4-6m in height) very similar to the variety found in the yarra ranges (slightly less "gloss" to the phyllodes). They were collected roughly a week after the last rainfall in the early afternoon and left to dry in a well ventilated bag over the period of a few weeks

2. the dried phyllodes were removed from their stems (which were put aside in another vessel) and ground in a blender. Small twigs were blended too. The ground phyllodes weighed 520g.

3. the ground phyllodes were put in a large pot and covered in a generous amount of water with roughly 70-100ml white vinegar. they were mixed well and macerated with a fork before being left to soak overnight in the fridge. They were left to soak for about 21 hrs and then simmered for an hr. the liquid was then saved and slowly reduced on low heat while another lot of water and vinegar was added to the pot of phyllodes. the new lot of liquid was simmered for an hr and then poured off into a glass vessel and left in the fridge to decant. the last lot that was added was brought to the boil and then left to sit overnight for roughly 12 hrs.

4. each lot of liquid was filtered separately before being combined with the two other boils, refiltered and then reduced on low heat over the following hour. it was reduced to 350ml

5. 100ml toluene was added to the solution and mixed thoroughly for ten minutes in a flask. the toluene seemed to become emulsified. it went a strange murky colour and still wouldn't separate after heat bathing or adding salt. I decided it may be a good idea to try adding NaOH to the solution

6. 10g NaOH was added to the solution and fairly quickly the layers began to separate. the toluene was a bright yellow colour. the solution was mixed via swirling fashion in a flask it was allowed to separate and then mixed again.. this was repeated several times before the toluene was pulled

7. because the toluene used for the defat was left in there when the NaOH was added, I decided I'd try salting it.. I added a dash of vinegar to 250ml water and mixed thoroughly with the toluene for about 10 minutes and then separated the mixtures. 10g NaOH was then added to the acidic solution and fresh toluene was added and mixed.

8. the toluene was separated and evaporated via hairdryer yielding a very small amount of yellow residue. I am yet to bioassay
#66 Posted : 7/24/2013 9:04:03 AM

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unidentified acacia extraction

species: unknown - suspected to be of relation to either floribunda or maidenii - definitely section julifloreae

Phyllodes: dark green, Length - 8.5-11cm .. averaging around 9cm on most phyllodes. width: 13-18mm. Central prominent vain accompanied by two lesser prominent veins.. nerves anatomising. leathery texture. Flower rods formed but not yet in bloom… much less abundant than most floribunda. Basal gland present on some phyllodes - seemingly absent on others

Flower rods 4.5cm and occurring only at the end of the branches
trunk: smooth
Tree was found about 10km from healesville, on the side of a highway. several branches were pruned and the frees phyllodes weighed 200g.

. the phyllodes were cut into small pieces with scissors. I avoided the blender this time because I am sick of the high amounts of particulate matter that need to be strained from the solution.

. a generous amount of water was added.. enough that the phyllodes were completely covered. a dash of vinegar was added and the phyllodes were simmered for about an hour and a half. the liquid was then poured off and put in a pan to be evaporated over low heat. a second lot of water was added and brought to the boil. the heat was then turned off and it was left to sit for 24 hrs before being brought to the boil again and then combined with the first lot.

. the combined liquids were filtered and then reduced to around 350ml

. 15ml NaOH was dissolved in 150ml warm water and added to the soup

. a tablespoon of salt was dissolved in around 70ml boiling water, allowed to cool for a few minutes and then added to the soup

. 100ml toluene was added to the solution and mixed via swirling fashion for about half an hr

. the toluene was separated and evapped with a hairdryer yielding a minimal amount of yellow residue. it was too sticky to scare up properly so I decided to pour 50ml acetone over it. it readily dissolved and the acetone was poured over a small amount of the phyllode

bioassay confirmed the extract to be "active" … a very pleasant warming of the head was felt fairly instantly after inhalation (similar to the warming sensation of the mucronata extract from last year), and a subtle ringing sound followed. it was easiest to stay still on the extract and at certain points movement felt too difficult to bother with. I laid in darkness and fell into a sub-awake dream state where I kept "waking up" to a dog biting my arm and pulling me out to the back door. the sensation was nor painful nor scary, though I felt a little creeped out after snapping out of it around 10 times and continually going back into it.
#67 Posted : 7/25/2013 6:00:44 AM

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Acacia Mucronata Test

Length- 8.5-17.5cm
Width - 3-7mm

Basal gland absent. 0.5cm length between phyllodes, alternating around the stem. 2-3 longitudinal veins, accompanied by minor longitudinal veins, sparsely anastomising.. phyllodes weren't sharp like the other mucronata in the area

Length - 8cm-9.8cm
Width - 2mm
Straight to slightly curved

1. Phyllodes and small twigs (which had dried after being in a heshin bag for over 6 months) were ground to a very fine texture in the blender

2. A litre of water was boiled in the kettle and poured over the phyllodes in a large rectangular ceramic dish. roughly 2 tablespoons of white vinegar were added to the slution and stirred in. The phyllodes were macerated in the solution with a fork for half an hour and then left to sit overnight for 12 hrs. the liquid was strained and kept in a glass bottle to decant. the next morning another litre of water was boiled and poured over the phyllodes, with roughly another 2 tablespoons of vinegar added. The dish was put in the warming oven on the lowest setting (around 70 degrees) and periodically taken out and macerated. this was repeated for 3 hrs. twigs were simmered during the soaks in a pot.

3. all the liquids were combined and reduced to 350ml on low heat

4. liquid was filtered and was a beautiful clear red colour

5. 10g NaOH was dissolved in 200ml warm water, left to sit until clear and then added to the soup. precipitation was observed for a few seconds before disappearing after the flask was agitated

6. 100ml toluene was added and mixed thoroughly over the course of the next hr. it was then separated and evaporated via hair drier. it yielded a yellow oil which when scraped up was a slightly transparent red colour

Bioassay: I found my old glass vaporiser this morning and decided to try that instead of the machine or bong- i took a small piece of copper scrubber and burnt it with a lighter to burn any toxins out. I then loaded about 40mg goo into it and melted it through, before putting in the hole of the vaporiser. I vaporised it in about 5 long draws.. the vapour was not harsh, slightly rubbery and made my lips feel strange and numb. about 10 seconds afterwards I felt an incredibly unhealthy burning in the centre of my head.. something wasn't right about the physical sensation, but I sat back and took the feeling in for a while..

No obvious visual activity, though felt trancy. Objects tended to lose meaning quite quickly as I gazed at them and things felt a little more defined. Headspace was clear -I found that the effects built up continually over the following hour, becoming more grounded as time went on. enjoyable extract.. I'm not sure whats in it. I will vape more in darkness tonight… still feeling pretty nice at the moment - I vapid about an hour ago. Headspace was passive and felt quite void of thought.. very present… very grounded too

Later today I took the copper scrubber out and vaped about 50mg of the goo by heating the glass instead and found there was no unpleasant burning in the centre of my head - I don't want to think about what was happening there right now :/ …

Tomorrow my friend and I are heading out to the same area and I am going to take samples of a few different mucronata … or hopefully mucronata subs. longifolia if I find any. I'm still pretty certain the bag of phyllodes I extracted from was the same as one of the trees that was in the dmt extract (it was a combination of two trees which I thought were the same) … maybe its seasonal, or maybe it had rained not long after the phyllodes were collected. trees are probably developing rods now too.. not sure if they will have bloomed yet. so that will be another variable to take into consideration tomorrow

Tonight testing a short phyllode variant of longifolia which is in flower at the moment.. thought i'd investigate WAGE's kaempferol MAOI idea
#68 Posted : 7/26/2013 5:16:25 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Good work Acacian!

Someone needs to crack the code of the Victorian acacias! I think the Longifolia variants may be really worth looking at, and each variant needs to be tested every month to look for seasonal variant.

however, I think that Mearnsii is the one that will require the greatest amount of time to crack and I think this one will really be fruitful when people figure it out!

#69 Posted : 7/26/2013 10:00:05 AM

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thanks choco Smile

yeah longifolia is definitely next on my list! I've actually got a shorter phyllode variant soaking in metho at the moment which I'll be interested to see the results of... there was a psy party I went to last year at this camping/recreation reserve out past great ocean road and I remember the longifolia in the area seemed particularly special. I've always wanted to test them, so next chance i get to go out there I plan on testing that variety. they looked a little more obtuse-like

went out around the warrendyte area today and picked a bit of mucronata .. I'm not sure if you read my post last year but I was gifted a very special red extract (dmt being one of the alkaloids) from mucronata. the extraction was done on two trees... i tested one of them about a month later to no avail (was using shellite though and didn't add much lye so I wonder if that may have been a factor.. i've found the soup needs to be quite warm for shellite to pull dmt).. and I also gathered some phyllodes from the other which I only I only just found in a heshin bag the other day (the above extraction) ... i should also mention the variety used in the above extraction has less stiff, less sharp and longer phyllodes

.. it may be that mucronata is seasonally variable, and it may have rained before i collected material a second time I can't remember.. either way I am going to keep periodically collecting material and testing with it... I like the vibe of mucronata

mearnsii I have been meaning to test for so long but never got around to it! I will have a crack at it soon... was it in flower when you extracted it? how many times did you test it and how far apart?

I read a post of yours in the acacia info thread, I noticed you mentioned success with longifolia and a higher chance of alkaloids during flowering? this seems contrary to general consensus on the best time to harvest material.. did you find it lacking in alkaloids when it wasn't flowering? could you describe the look of the tree? also would you mind describing the effects?

i remember you said it didn't have the "chutzpah" of other trees... but i'd be interested to know whether the extract still had a good space regardless of the lack of power .. did it feel like a fairly pure dmt source or do you think there may have been other alkalodis present? I have really been enjoying working with various alkaloids from acacia lately... I'd love to find one that has a good balance of dmt and other alkaloids... even just low amounts of dmt to bring a bit of light to the headspace of the other alkaloids

Longifolia has long been an interest of mine and it is defiintely one of my favourite acacia's... its a stunning tree - I am keen to work with it and find the right one for alkaloids

also.. sceneys toluene has been going great thanks for recommending it.. it smells much more pleasant than xylene and doesn't take as long to evap which is good

#70 Posted : 7/28/2013 2:55:05 AM

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so having issues with an extraction at the moment on some acacia longifolia flowers:

.I soaked an unknown amount of flowers (didn't measure sorry) in methylated spirits for a few days until the flowers had lost all their yellow colour. the metho ended up a lime green colour.

. the metho was strained until completely transperant

. 20g NaOH was added to 100ml warm water. the solution was left until it went clear and then added to the metho solution. instantly the solution clouded with brilliant orange precipitation. the precipitates sat on top until the solution was agitated and then dissolved. the whole solution ended up a light orange colour

so the issue lies in the next step as I am unsure what is going on - I added about 80ml toluene to the solution. there was no distinct layer seen, even before being mixed. it just seemed to become one solution. now I assume this had something to do with using a dominantly ethanol solution, but I've mixed non polar with ethanol solutions fine in the past.
the wierd thing is there is a very dark red layer of about 50ml sitting at the bottom of the flask. I thought that this may have been the toluene reacting strangely, so I separated it.. I was a bit naughty and put my finger in to see whether it felt like non polar solution or whether it was a soapy liquid (as would be with lye)... seemed the latter, though it does smell a bit like toluene. the main solution still smells heaps of it though

Any input would be appreciated here. by the way... after adding the lye to the metho solution, the floral smell became really dominant. smells beautiful!
#71 Posted : 8/21/2013 5:41:28 AM

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An observed extraction on a.mearnsii trunk bark from a dead tree.
Stage 1
His first evapped pull looked like it had long clear needles in but they disappeared.
There is also a nasty residue from the naptha so booo to diggers.
STB pulled with room temperature shellite.
Basified for 24 hrs. 10 tablespoons of lye,
700ml ish tap water
200g bark. NP added then agitated thoroughly, left overnight in a cold room.

Resulted in no alkaloids.

#72 Posted : 8/30/2013 2:00:27 PM

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So my freind managed to recover what he strongly suspects is a spectrum of alkaloids containing mostly dmt.
I guessed right in that the bark wasnt basified enough and the naptha wasnt warm enough the first attempt.
Stage 2

1.He evaporated the 2nd pull in the open air but clumsily left much lye and also the diggers residue. (Bloody kiwis)
2.To the glass he added a carbonate saturated solution containing a large pinch of salt.
3.Hot sunflower oil was poured in and immediately the alks leapt into it in a flurry of bubbles. DMT loves sunflower oil! So does he now. Off white and some orange flakes hang cosily in suspension and in solution giving off that unmistakeable aroma. The only thing is some of the other alks didnt make the leap Sad
4.Next was to migrate it away from the oil and naptha residue lurking there somewhere.
5.Salted with vinegar - When he added vinegar no matter how much he added all the alks wouldnt leave the sunlower oil it was as if it was encased in the oil.
6.Next was to create freebase with heat in a pan by breaking the acetate bond by evaporating the vinegar and then the water
- He said he had a partial fail with this , homebrand vinegar isnt good for stealth and ease.
due to the fumes being overpowering and could create suspicion in the neighbourhood
8. Heated evaporation did result in some dmt acetate on the bottom of the pan in transparent liquid blobs.
Worry set in because of the fumes so he aborted and poured most liquid into separate jars and mopped up the dmt acetate with cig papers.

#73 Posted : 8/31/2013 4:17:58 AM

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been working again with the alkaloids I retrieved from the unidentified acacia extraction in post 67 further up the page.. going to some very deep spaces with this extract. I am not sure what the alkaloid/alkaloids are - the taste is extremely bitter and unpleasant, though the effects are very pleasant and deep trance... as I've said with other extracts as well, visions can be felt more than seen on it... it feels tryptamine-like in effects though I thought the bitterness may indicate something else? ... very entheogenic extract none the less I'm hoping to test the tree again. was from the yarra ranges region

photos of it below
acacian attached the following image(s):
P1020720.jpg (1,291kb) downloaded 584 time(s).
P1020721.jpg (1,686kb) downloaded 581 time(s).
#74 Posted : 8/31/2013 4:29:06 AM

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and DreamTripper ... this is very exciting news and potentially quite an important result! you were referring to acacia mearnsii right?

could you explain a little about the harvest time? i.e time of day, weather conditions.. was it in flower? rained previously?

this makes me excited to hurry up and test my bag of mearnsii I collected a few weeks ago.. i thought it looked special and it was growing on granite slopes in a beautiful location
#75 Posted : 8/31/2013 10:38:57 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Bitterness in my experience is usually associated with phenethylamines you may have found an as yet unknown phen!

Yes the tree was a.mearnsii and exciting indeed after the first pull there was disapointment as it seemed a certainty due to the bark stinging the finger tips when it was pulled apart.
However unfortunately still few clues to its production cycle as it was already dead or very close to death, the bark was hanging off it but I think it would be fair to say mid-late winter.
I wonder if the dmt production goes into overdrive once it is near death...
But fyi it was harvested early evening after a number of heavy rainfalls in the last few weeks of winter, wasnt in flower and was roughly 15ft tall.
Despite a number of errors and experiments done there is still a good amount of very clean dmt and not much if anything else present I will eat my shorts if it turns out not to be dmt!
I expect if he had done less playing about with it and not crammed so much bark into one jar then a yeild of 1.2% in line with the previous nexus success could be expected.
I think a dry tek would be good for powdered branches and phyllodes as long as they can be thoroughly powdered.
#76 Posted : 8/31/2013 10:52:10 AM

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great news thanks for the update.... has it been bioassayed? is he sure it is dmt? another member here had a extract from mearnsii which he thought smelled strongly of indole but on bioassay it turned out to be something else..
#77 Posted : 8/31/2013 11:41:50 AM

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Good point I may be jumping the gun..No bioassay yet its still in extraction after being salted out of the sunflower oil and then freebased again. Freezeprecip to be done overnight..I may yet have to eat my shorts...

#78 Posted : 8/31/2013 12:54:55 PM

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DreaMTripper wrote:
Good point I may be jumping the gun..No bioassay yet its still in extraction after being salted out of the sunflower oil and then freebased again. Freezeprecip to be done overnight..I may yet have to eat my shorts...

lets hope not! very excited to hear how you go

on another note I think I may have found a way to drastically reduce time that plant material spends in solution for the alkaloids to migrate - currently working with some acacia oxycedrus phyllodes and have so far done the following:

-ground phyllodes to a powder in coffee grinder
-boiled some water and then poured over the phyllodes in a large ceramic dish accompanied by a dash of vinegar
.. initially I was just going to let it sit over night or for a few hrs (thought maybe wouldn't need as long since its such fine powder) ..but I decided to try something new - I added the phyllodes and luke warm water to the blender and blended for a minute. I then strained the phyllodes and put the water in an empty wine bottle, before adding them back to the blender with a new lot of boiling water.
-I blended for another minute...

I am now decanting the solution in the fridge and may reduce it a little in the morning as its around a litre in volume (i prefer much smaller volume of solution to work with around 400ml) .. I will also boil the phyllodes afterwards in case I didn't get everything (thats assuming there is something in there to begin with)

I also need to process the rest of the twigs and stems which I'll do in a separate boil in the morning.. bed time now

anyways thought this process might reduce the amount of time people spend brewing plants, as the strong maceration of material in boiling water should help the alkaloids migrate very quickly (especially if using powdered material). it also is advantageous in that the alkaloids will not be sitting in acidic solution for so long and will not be exposed to heat for as long - both potential factors which needed to be taken into account with acacia as it has been discussed that they can react undesirably to heat and acidity... it may even mean that no acid at all is necessary to help draw out the alkaloids

..personally I'm a fan of spending time with the brew, but differen't methods have their time and place - and perhaps in the search for a pure untarnished plant expression this may prove useful for some..

will report results tomorrow hopefully with some actives
#79 Posted : 9/1/2013 9:57:39 AM

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Will be interesting to see how that turns out Oxycedrus has a seductive look about it!

Stage 3 Update on freinds research
1. Vinegar solution with alkaloids was freebased messily with sod carb ( lots of fizzing and no doubt lost much of the alkaloids hes not a fan and will go back to lye its neater) and pulled with 50ml of shell
3 . Has been in freezer for nearly 24hrs, clear as glass needles are forming.

Previous to the above when he aborted freebasing the acetate salts with heat he poured off water carefully to reveal clear blobs of alk oil and alk acetate. This was crudely soaked up with cig papers.
Bioassay of alkaloid soaked cig papers
He gave me a cig rolled in it so I gently toasted the outside to evap any acetate to try and leave freebase oil in the paper.
It tasted slightly bitter but in a good way and most of all tasted very clean and easy on the chest with nice white smoke.
Effects were subtle.
Initially a rise in heart rate and a mental stimulation occured with a greater connection to the garden felt. Then a light refreshing feeling that stayed but after smoking number 2 i also felt a sharp pain near my ear that worried me so I threw all the papers away thinking it was nasty bufotenine! :/ My freind wasnt happy but understood and now we think it was a spike in blood pressure.
Interestingly an hour or so later once I had smoked a cannabis joint the big tree took on the vague appearance of an old womans head. Another tree looked like a fairy queen viewed out of focus. Overall I felt the prescence of the plants stronger than normal and could sense personality.
This was strong weed that I hadnt smoked before so it may have just been predominantly the weed with a small synergistic effect thrown in.
So to conclude whatever it is is active and may or may not be hallucinogenic.
#80 Posted : 9/1/2013 10:50:19 AM

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thanks for the update sounds exciting... wonder what you've got in there? needles sounds very promising! there is a very bitter alkaloid I have been getting with a few species - and been really enjoying the experiences with it
toluene from the oxycedrus extract is evapping - there was no precipitation observed when NaOH was added so I don't have the highest hopes .. and the material was collected at a bad time. will post results later Smile
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