I am interested in hearing accounts of shared hallucination, please include method and dosage.
Recently volunteer (A) and (B) were administered one toke of DMT extracted from Acacia Confusa each, resulting in synchronous hallucination. Upon exhalation both perceived translucent rainbow colors in the field of vision, followed by a fractal diamond pattern overlaying the scene upon looking at the window blinds which transferred to other parts of the room. The ceiling appeared to suck into the light fixture like cloth pulled into a hole while at the same time a less prominent portion moved away from the light in synch with the portion entering. Volunteer (A) noticed a mylar bag on the desk appeared to ebb and flow like a wave. Volunteer (B) remarked it feels “groovy” and that it instills a sense of calm. Volunteer (B) professed the wall texture to be significantly raised against the background and the floor was churning like the surface of a pool. The effect passed within 7 minutes. No closed eye visuals were seen on either participant’s account.
What is interesting is the relatively low level of intoxication producing the shared experience. Theories, stories?
Psychedelics are to the study of the mind what the telescope is to astronomy.