Chaoskampf translates from German as "the struggle against chaos". It has been a literary motif used for thousands of years in some of the great religions and philosophical texts to described the struggle between the forces of order and chaos. Order has classically been represented as a cultural hero deity, while chaos has been represented as a serpent of some sort. Whether it be Thor vs. Jörmungandr (Norse), Tarhunt vs. Illuyanka (Hittite), Indra vs. Vritra (Vedic), Θraētaona vs. Aži Dahāka (Zorastrian), Zeus vs. Typhon (Greek), Baʿal vs. Yam (Canaanite), Marduk vs. Tiamat (Babylonian), or Yahweh vs. Leviathan (Jewish), this concept of a contentious polarity existing between these abstract concepts has been a fundamental aspect of many different world philosophies and teachings.
It is my understanding that this duality exists within all of us. It is a representation of creation and destruction, and what's more, I believe that these two forces are one and the same. They are two sides of a singular coin. It's only through viewing them in a fragmented state of consciousness which we see them as being apart from each other.
I hope I can learn from this community and maybe contribute something of value back to it. Thank you for providing this welcoming space for learning and growth.
"They tease me now, telling me it was only a dream. But does it matter whether it was a dream or reality, if the dream made known to me the truth?" - Fyodor Dostoevsky