Nathanial.Dread wrote:Simple enough question. How about you guys? No one can say they never think about, or have thought about God (or The Goddess or The Gods or whatever). So where do you stand? And how has DMT affected it?
Honestly, DMT hasn't changed my views about God one iota. Surely, it probably would have... but LSD-25, mescaline and psilocybin mushrooms had already blown the doors off the hinges, decades ago. If anything, NN-DMT has only crystallized my views with more clarity, urgency and a more expanded depth of spiritual understanding.
I was always in sheer awe of "God", conceptually and ideologically, since I was a small child. I would gaze up at the stars at night and wonder what kind of immense intelligence had manifested all of this magnificent phenomenon. Humanity at large, never impressed me that much. So much pain and so much disharmony. Sigh...
That being said, the accomplishments of humankind are sometimes so wonderfully marvelous, sometimes quite horrifically demonic... they extend beyond any scope of harmony or integration with one another. I believe that both Heaven and Hell exist within the minds of mortals and damned if we don't feel compelled to share this dichotomy amongst ourselves and the world we co-inhabit, for good and evil purposes (we're a mixed bag, to say the very least).
Psychedelics gifted me something I can never truly be grateful enough for receiving. For they revealed to my eager understanding, an alternate spin of the conceptual paradigm of a Divine Being existent above the day-to-day fluctuations of mortal life on planet earth. I was astounded to realize that God wasn't some judgmental monster at the top of the pyramid, far away from it's own creation... it WAS the entirety of all realities, unbound and wholly unlimited.
More so, the Divine Being is completely immanent within all that it manifests, subjectively experiencing myriad realities and a vast multiplicity of parallel levels of conscious-awareness, as refracted within the echoing existential parameters, freely expressed throughout all incarnated aspects of the wide spectrum of varied manifestations.
Crafting universes out of itself for the sheer joy of expression? I hesitate to project anthropomorphic characteristics on the Sacred. Such is the folly of fools and charlatans, eh? It's truly impossible for humanoids to describe the motivation of the Supreme Deity or presuppose it's Omniscient intentions.
Also, I feel that God would naturally exist within inert matter, or even the emptiness of the Void, which composes space and the infinite reaches of this ever expanding universe. The most profound realization I was gifted, is that God is you, I and everyone else. God is the totality and the unity. And as cliche as it surely sounds, "All is One".
Some of the wisdom I have gleaned from the higher spheres of conscious-awareness, has revealed to my opening mind, that the anthropomorphic deity worshiped by many humanoids, is a falsification of true reality. God is not a distant and unreachable super-entity, transcending all that it creates, maintains and destroys. When I extended my intention and thus, immersed myself within this Unified Field of inter-connected energy...
All other present manifestations, being: particles, waves, atoms, molecules, elements, gases, minerals, vegetables, countless animal species, etc... were found to be co-existent equals within this dimensional paradigm, experiencing existence from their own unique windows into this universe we share together. God is all of this, too.
I found the belief that the Divine Spirit is indivisible, Omnipresent and most immanent in all of it's own spontaneous expression. We are each of us God. All is God. Naught exists but thoughts emanating effulgently from within the Godhead!
Naturally, this new found information required that I modify my religious beliefs. I began to see that The Divine was in actuality the Unified Field of Being. It interlinks with all it creates, forming symmetry of the Grid. So, I discovered that there is but one singularity of intelligence, a truly Supra-consciousness. It peeks out from behind the veil of Self and perceives itself through it's own manifested creation. Like a mirroring of itself.
Likewise, it is also transcendental, ineffable, insubstantial and wholly unbound by any form or characteristic. Yet is flows endlessly throughout everything, like meandering liquid. It shines from within all that is perceivable and even beyond any subjective perspective or rational attempt at cognitive quantification.
So, obviously there exists a great paradox to this cosmic dance. No one can ever say with any certainty just WHY Brahman manifested the multiplicities of universes. But it is moot point, as we exist and ponder our own existence, using reason and intuition alone, to find the truth.
I could go on and on... but I have to deal with reality as it unfolds before me, personally. This involves interaction with family and friends (which is also how I view all of you fellow Nexians). I'll catch up later on, Guys & Gals.
Namaste to each of you!
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.