No worries, nothing wrong with asking this question, from my own personal experience it has really changed my life for the better with lasting positive messages of hope for the future, everybody is different though and the amount that you take and frequency of use can play a big role as well as integration, as far as I have personally witnessed, the only lasting effects of DMT are an enlightened outlook and possibly less anxiety, i have many friends who have done DMT before taking any other psychadellics and they have said that it was one of the best things that ever happened to them, as far as science goes though I am not quite sure
"One Small Step For Man, One Giant Leap For Mankind" Neil Armstrong
"The Only Thing We Have To Fear, Is Fear Itself" FDR
"Walk through the forests that artists erase, as we try to love the lines perfectionists chase, they try to tell me that you dont exist, but i believe in you my little cyst"