You can most definitely extract a very pure product without the freezer. Read the FAQ and teks in the wiki. thread might also be of interest, related to what was mentioned above about first checking if solvent evaps clean (which should be done regardless if you are freeze precipitating or evaporating).
One can recrystallize a product without the need for a freezer, one can re-a/b without a freezer, one can do FASA without freezer, all of these things will clean a product up perfectly.
That being said, on reading again your first post, you are going against our attitude rules. We do NOT condone extracting in shared houses where owners/others dont agree. You can end in trouble and call more attention to our community. You agreed to follow the attitude when joining this website, so please read it carefully, and consider this a warning: No unsafe extraction settings and procedures
We are against people extracting or using substances in student dorms/parents/shared houses or any other unsafe place or where the owners or roommates do not agree with what is being done. We do not give tips on 'stealth' teks. Do not do it unless the owner of the place accepts his/her full responsibility for the actions being done. If you don't have such a place to extract now, be patient, many have waited years and years for the right moment.
Please wait till you have a propper place to extract, go rent a house/cabin somewhere, ask a friend who has a house... Or simply consume oral dmt/ayahuasca instead, in a good context. But please dont risk your safety, of those that live with you and of the whole community by doing 'stealth extractions' in unpropper settings.