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Geometric beings and multiple carrier waves. Options
#21 Posted : 7/14/2013 12:01:05 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 57
Joined: 23-Mar-2013
Last visit: 06-Mar-2017
Location: The Causmos
SHE ... = Shared .. Hyperspace ... Experience?? Amirite?
EDIT: Ah, I found it. I was close, lol.


Seems to me it would be harder to do through the internet with a person you've never met, and don't know what they look like? Would probably help if you guys met and shook hands and all that. Then you'd be all quantumly entangled and stuff.

You know what would be really awesome? If the entire DMT-Nexus had a conference. We all got together somehow, someway, and all blasted off at the same time. Pehaps one day, when the world is evolved enough, and we are all very experienced Hyperspacial travelers.

One can dream.
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