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Geometric beings and multiple carrier waves. Options
aleph 1ne
#1 Posted : 7/12/2013 12:39:21 PM

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This report is a tuff one to make. Again I have had an astonishing breakthrough.
For the first time, I tried freebase DMT in a location other than my own. I went to a friends home who has been doing some serious self work and wanted to utilize DMT. I brought the Volcano Vaporizer and some Blue lotus and we talked for a while about our intentions.

We started with a very small dose, which I have also never done. We vaped 25mg between the 2 of us and enjoyed the buzz and glow. I could hear a faint carrier wave but not enough for transportation. Mild, if any visualizations. It was a wonderful preparation.
about an hour later, we were ready for a full launch. I prepared 75 mg with a bit less than a half gram of Blue lotus.
- For some reason, there was an issue with the vape. The smoke was not as thick as usual. We hit the bag anyways, and my friend began to enter, but I did not. I quickly revaped the same bowl, and this time, the bag filled with the familiar creamy white smoke. I hit it twice more, my friend once more. Instantly, it began to permeate my being. I could hear 3 distinct carrier waves. Each of a slightly different pitch. There were some fractal designs for only a second, and then I was in a spectacular room with walls covered in rectangles and triangles of blue and yellow. The room was absolutely filled with entities. It seemed to be a hallway or conduit that lead them to to various places. I felt very strongly, that these entities were going to places in hyperspace where other travellers were, in order to help or heal them in some way. All these beings were very positive and had wonderful intentions. I could sense them clearly as they passed by me.
The most interesting thing about this room was the light. There were shadows coming off the various entities, but there was no particular point of origin for the light. It was everywhere, but had direction.

Some of these entities looked like half man, half antelope. Others had crazy hair and small thick horns growing like a crown on their head. Others were just made of shapes, and consisted of one solid colour. They tucked into crevices and doors in quite a hurry.
At this point I was nothing but a floating perspective. I had no control over where I was going or what I was faced with. At times, I would be viewing these entities from half way behind a wall or counter. I attempted to gain control over my movements but could not. I gave in and let it take me. Upon submission, I realized that the 3 carrier waves had different locations. very distinct locations. They ran from behind to the front of me. The first was at waist level, the second at chest level, and the third, just above my head and slightly more to the centre. The other 2 were very distinctly to the left of me. I realized that when I first entered, I had been focusing mostly on the lowest of the waves.

I liked this room I was in, but the entities were not acknowledging me at all, so I tried to focus on the second carrier wave. it transported me to a location that was outdoors. I was outside (but not on earth) beside a gigantic dome. I feel like this dome was the same as a dome I've actually been in on a previous trip. In front of me was a geometric being, balancing itself on a log. To better describe this entity. It was all black (but not dark at all) and seemed to be made of elementary geometric shapes. It's face was a perfect circle. It's eyes were half circles facing downwards. It's body a rectangle. Even though it appeared to be made of such simple shapes, there was so much detail to it, or possibly rather, personality.
It did incredible gymnastic feats for me and would sometimes split itself in half and another, smaller version of itself would pop out.. This would sometimes happen several times, exposing many versions of itself, each with a happy look or vibe. It made me laugh in my head and also physically giggle.. I wondered the significance of what I was seeing, and instantly the being stop messing around. It approached me and began to stick it's arm into my shoulder and back, which I have injured many times. It filled my body with a substance that I can only describe as liquid light. So very warm. It had a look on it's face of compassion and deep concentration.
I told it i didn't know what It was doing to me but I thanked it anyway, as I knew it was something good. Maybe a healing session! -
(In retrospect, It absolutely was.)

All of a sudden The carrier waves became louder and pushed themselves to the forefront of my attention. (they were with me the whole time, but when I was focused, they seemed distant and like a whisper.

This time I took the highest one. I felt like it was harder to follow, but it took me to an incredibly beautiful place full of perfect right angles with black and red designs. a bluish hue in the air. i noticed one specific corner which had red dots in it. From within the lines of the right angle in the corner, another entity emerged. this one was also made of geometric shapes but was royal blue, and had very large crescent shaped ears. He looked like he had wild dreadlocks and was wearing a suit of triangles that twitched and flipped around. He began to say a mantra to me in an alien language that I couldn't even comprehend. I was about to say it out loud when I noticed that the syllables were a fractal in and of themselves. I could hear something that sounded like a certain sound, try to repeat it and then realize that the single syllable was made of other, infinitely unfolding syllables. unrepeatable!! I was blown away that this entity could even speak it. I tried once more to say a syllable or part of the mantra, but then quickly realized that I might trip my friend out and distract him from what ever he was going through, so I had better not. My mind wandered for a moment about my friend, and i was instantly scolded by the entity for not paying attention.. The whole trip began to fade very quickly..
With all my might i screamed out with my inner voice to the entity to come back, that I was sorry and he could have my full attention. The scene began to reappear. The entity was directly in front of me. He cocked his head to the side like a dog hearing a whistle and it filled me with ecstatic excitement and happiness..
He made other gestures that filled me with a wide range of feelings. Suddenly i noticed that his head movements were somehow adjusting my mood and emotional state. I felt so happy and light. Burdens upon burdens had been lifted from me. He was then joined by the other entities I had come across on this particular adventure. They all lined up, and the scene changed again to the outdoors. The second carrier wave became loud again and the other 2 faded to nothing.. Slowly the scene lost it's multi dimensional characteristics. The wave got louder. The scene went from 3d to 2d, and the wave got louder still.. The colours faded and with them, the carrier wave tucked itself back, neatly into some corner of myself.

As i opened my eyes and began to move around again, I noticed that my muscles were in a complete state of relaxation. i could feel a slight buzz in a few areas where the entities had been working. This trip was very much for the purpose of healing and uniting some physical knots.

I wonder if these knots came out so easily because of some serious mental knots I've unraveled lately. Or maybe the entities were just that good!!
There were some incredibly clear messages and lessons too, but this experience was more physically beneficial to me than anything else, as it stands.. I am still in after glow though, so we'll see how I feel after some meditation and deep thought.

I wonder if anyone else has come across these funky, simple but deeply detailed geometric entities?? This is the second experience I've had with them. The most note worthy thing about them is the way they move. They seem to be able to stretch and lengthen/shorten their bodies and limbs with ease. In only a couple steps they can move such great distances.. Always maintaining the same shape, but changing the dimensions of their body.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

I'm loving this Many entities per trip thing I have going. Definitely part of my intentions.
Once Again. I would like to thank you, reader, for your time and attention.

Safe travels, and happy healing! Very happy


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#2 Posted : 7/12/2013 4:23:48 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Man, I'm jealous, when I read these entity-rich detailed reports like this'I wonder, have I ever come close? I mean I've been probed, had crystalline faces breadth light into me,I know the carrier waves well, but I have never been to these places like you describe,I don't think.
Although when you describe the simple black geometric being, it sparked some memory in me that seems very familiar.
Maybe it's my fear, î don't know, I've been in strange four dimensional seeming palaces of memory, but I know it's my mind, fantastical, yes, but mine, with fractal walls and mirrored pillars that reflect different aspects of my memory.
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
*γνῶθι σεαυτόν*
aleph 1ne
#3 Posted : 7/12/2013 6:39:08 PM

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Have you ever tried using the Blue Lotus?? I find that it gives you a very calm, almost protected feel going in.. I feel like I can probe a bit deeper with it.

#4 Posted : 7/12/2013 11:08:24 PM

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I very much enjoyed that, thank you for sharing.

I hesitate to post reports because they're always very centered around entities and interaction with them. I don't know...I'm just used to keeping that sort of thing to myself. It sounds absolutely insane to most people Very happy

The entity you described with the dreadlocks and the robe of triangles...that's a perfect description for one of my experiences. It makes me wonder about this whole entity thing and if they are just a part of ourselves or something separate with an existence of their own beyond our minds.
#5 Posted : 7/12/2013 11:47:11 PM

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I love you bro Laughing living vicariously through you on the regular.

Dat Ish Cray, boi.
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#6 Posted : 7/13/2013 12:44:27 AM

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aleph 1ne wrote:

I wonder if anyone else has come across these funky, simple but deeply detailed geometric entities?? This is the second experience I've had with them. The most note worthy thing about them is the way they move. They seem to be able to stretch and lengthen/shorten their bodies and limbs with ease. In only a couple steps they can move such great distances.. Always maintaining the same shape, but changing the dimensions of their body.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Awesome report. Definitely makes me wanna concentrate on some carrier waves and take note of what happens Smile

I do believe I encounter some of the geometric entities you describe. Several things in common: they hang out at the "dome". From the outside it looks like the Disney castle to me, but that's neither here nor there. They also speak with those unspeakable overlapping syllables. Their language is quite rhythmic and I've come to realize that certain geometric entities like to emit their own signature rhythms and "melodies". I can recognize which one is in the room before I even see them sometimes because I can correlate their signature rhythms with them. Some of them have rather high pitched voices, and I like those. Others speak with more phantasmic telepathic voices.

They are multidimensional and quite abstract. They appear to be made of elementary shapes on one hand, and on the other they resemble absolutely nothing. It's as if they belong to some greater family which they are all members of, displaying unique yet consistent variations on a theme. As I go into the higher dimensional spaces, I find higher dimensional, more complex versions of the same entities. They control the scenes with expertise. Sometimes they gyroscopically dance and twirl their interdimensional intermoveable parts. I find them to be associated with a computeresque-genetic kind of coding that they manipulate to alter their appearances, movements and impact the scene (and you). They are very much in control of what happens over there. There is much to be said about them that I'm no doubt neglecting.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#7 Posted : 7/13/2013 6:00:31 AM

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Great report!

Cannot resist not posting this.

aleph 1ne
#8 Posted : 7/13/2013 6:17:00 AM

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That's fantastic, Global!! I am always so impressed and even a bit anxious(in a good way) when i post a report, as you always seem to have wonderful and bang on insights to what I have seen. The entities you describe are exactly like the ones I encountered. I feel like as i followed higher carrier waves, I reached higher and clearer dimensions of hyperspace reality. They could really communicate with me well, and show off their abilities in the higher dimensions.

- I've still yet to see this castle you speak of, though I am convinced that it is the same place.
This time, I even tried looking around to see what I could make of the place, but when I looked away from what was obviously on display for me, I was punished in a way, by having the vision become less vivid. So I abandoned the idea of exploring. Their voices did have melodies to them. Sometimes they seemed to be harmonizing with the carrier wave.
If i listened to the wholeness of the mantra being said, it sounded like one solid note, like a computer vocoder or something. If I focused on the syllables, I could detect the melodies, which were both subtle and at the same time, prominent. If I focused deeper, there would be multiple melodies, harmonized together in spectacular ways. This was especially mind blowing, as I've never really experienced language as a fractal before. I've had "infinite loops" and syllables that repeated with matching symbols, but not actual "vocal word fractals" like this time! -

I feel blessed and privileged when I arrive at this place we seem to both have visited. i often have a huge grin, and just really enjoy myself when I'm there. Even in times when things seem overly abstract and overwhelming. Even then, it's completely fulfilling. Do you feel the same way, Global??

I am planning on adding something MAOI oriented to the mix to achieve longer and clearer visits to said places in the future. I wonder if that will change where I end up??.. Cool
aleph 1ne
#9 Posted : 7/13/2013 6:24:03 AM

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Dioxippus wrote:
It makes me wonder about this whole entity thing and if they are just a part of ourselves or something separate with an existence of their own beyond our minds.

I drive myself crazy with thoughts like these!! hahaha.. Me too my friend. In one thread I read earlier, there was an argument made that these things are a part of human instinct, so it is just in you, but a similar story is in me.. I'm still not quite convinced though.. Call me crazy, but I think these places are out there regardless of my existence.
There may be a day when I am proven wrong about this, and I will embrace that day and it teachings fully if it comes.
Until then I submit to the mystery and awe of both the molecule and life itself.

A million blessings.

Oh and Causmic... I see u, brotha!! one love.
#10 Posted : 7/13/2013 1:00:02 PM

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aleph 1ne wrote:

I feel blessed and privileged when I arrive at this place we seem to both have visited. i often have a huge grin, and just really enjoy myself when I'm there. Even in times when things seem overly abstract and overwhelming. Even then, it's completely fulfilling. Do you feel the same way, Global??

I tend to feel that way too. They can really turn up the intensity on you while you're there as easily as we can turn up the thermostat, but the sense of being in those rooms with the appreciation of space, depth, color, geometry is often quite satisfying. The thing is that hyperspace can often be so abstract that they're not representational or referential of anything from the real world. When you get to this place though, eidetic/referential imagery is abundant. It's not simply a mish-mosh of fractal goodness. It's so well organized, and there's such layers of heirarchy woven within it as well. The Egyptian imagery seems to be connected with this place too, but you must get yourself in very high frequency territory for it to tend to want to manifest itself.


I am planning on adding something MAOI oriented to the mix to achieve longer and clearer visits to said places in the future. I wonder if that will change where I end up??.. Cool

I don't really journey with MAOi too much anymore. There's a number of reasons, but a big part of it is that I just got too effective at using the combo. Even with the smallest doses, I would wind up with much more than I bargained for, and I can get to the heavens and back with pure DMT, so I'm not complaining. I also like the pure aesthetic more, but that's just a personal preference. When I did journey with harmalas in the past, I could end up at the same place, albeit a bit transformed. The harmalas seem to make the geometries a bit more macroscopic to me. It is no doubt easier and more likely to ascend to the top (and potentially straight out) of the structure with harmalas where more and more outrageous things happen the further up you go.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#11 Posted : 7/13/2013 6:48:04 PM

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I just wanted to Thank you for writing this up, I enjoyed the read!Thumbs up

Quite interesting experiences! The entities seems to like you.
Looking forward to reading your future reports.

Maybe you and Global should have a SHE and try to meet somewhere.. Ha haLaughing

who's minding the store?- Ram Dass
Mz.Gypzy is a fictional character. I have a very active imagination. I like to make things up, to entertain myself and others on the internet. I do not use, or condone the use of illegal substances. Everything I write here on the Nexus is for pure entrainment purposes only.

Humble Hermit
#12 Posted : 7/13/2013 7:41:20 PM

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Mz.Gypzy wrote:
Maybe you and Global should have a SHE and try to meet somewhere.. Ha haLaughing

Even though this is most likely a joke, I agree. It seems their experiences are extremely alike, and it would be interesting, regardless of the result, to see what happens. Global, aleph 1ne, think about it. Thumbs up

if you wanna try suicide, first try something completely different

aleph 1ne
#13 Posted : 7/13/2013 9:25:20 PM

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I may be a bit too new to the nexus to know what a "SHE" is.. haha.. But i was just thinking how interesting it would be to do this with someone who apparently goes to the same places... I would be open to this for sure..
#14 Posted : 7/13/2013 9:30:03 PM

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aleph 1ne wrote:
Dioxippus wrote:
It makes me wonder about this whole entity thing and if they are just a part of ourselves or something separate with an existence of their own beyond our minds.

I drive myself crazy with thoughts like these!! hahaha.. Me too my friend. In one thread I read earlier, there was an argument made that these things are a part of human instinct, so it is just in you, but a similar story is in me.. I'm still not quite convinced though.. Call me crazy, but I think these places are out there regardless of my existence.
There may be a day when I am proven wrong about this, and I will embrace that day and it teachings fully if it comes.
Until then I submit to the mystery and awe of both the molecule and life itself.

A million blessings.

I'm glad I'm not the only one obsessing over entities. At least once a day I think about them and what they could mean. Keeps the mystery in the forefront of my life Very happy

I think perhaps both are happening at the same time. Some visions are indeed self-reflective and represent parts of ourselves. But we also can access other realms outside ourselves where some of these beings exist. But I'm naturally one to sit on the fence, try to stay objective, see both sides Smile
#15 Posted : 7/13/2013 9:31:02 PM

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aleph 1ne wrote:
I may be a bit too new to the nexus to know what a "SHE" is.. haha.. But i was just thinking how interesting it would be to do this with someone who apparently goes to the same places... I would be open to this for sure..

There's a reason we don't SHE much anymore... it doesn't seem to work. That is, meeting each other in hyperspace. DMT with a person physically present can be incredible and there are many reports of two (or more) minds becoming one. But the online version of it almost always fails.

That's been my experience, at least. I imagine it is the same for others or we would all be doing it much more often with serious academic papers resulting from the phenomenon.
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#16 Posted : 7/13/2013 10:03:26 PM

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yeah, it was mostly a joke.

But worth a shot if they feel so inclined. If someone else was seeming to
Go to the same realm of hyperspace with the same sort of entities as me,
I would want to try.

You never know.Wink

who's minding the store?- Ram Dass
Mz.Gypzy is a fictional character. I have a very active imagination. I like to make things up, to entertain myself and others on the internet. I do not use, or condone the use of illegal substances. Everything I write here on the Nexus is for pure entrainment purposes only.

#17 Posted : 7/13/2013 10:07:47 PM

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Well I dunno if I ever did a SHE with the specific intention of rendevouzing with others in hyperspace. I have had one of my more significant experiences on a SHE though. To me, the dates that we select are often more meaningful to me than the encountering of others...and even if we did run into each other in hyperspace, how would we know? Would they look human? If they did, would we just chalk it up as some strange entity encounter? Of course in this "2 person SHE" we could easily compare notes. I suppose it could be interesting. I've journeyed with plenty of others but I always have unique experiences. They don't tend to experience it the same way I do...but if aleph does experience hyperspace as I tend to, then perhaps we'd be more likely to stumble across something significant.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
aleph 1ne
#18 Posted : 7/13/2013 10:09:50 PM

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Thanks for that a1pha.
I did some looking into what "SHE" is and should have guessed!! haha..
I wonder though, if it would have substantial effects with a MASS of people.
How many people are on the nexus?
Even half would interesting!!
Even if we don't meet there, I can't help but feel like this would be a good thing for the collective consciousness..
Considering the similarity between Global's experiences and my own, I'd still be down to give it a try.. Sounds like I may need some more work to get to those high frequency places that he visits though.. I've only caught glimpses of them. Smile

Thanks for the input and interest, everyone!! It's very helpful.
aleph 1ne
#19 Posted : 7/13/2013 10:11:13 PM

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Yes Global!! Let's work it out!
#20 Posted : 7/13/2013 10:11:53 PM

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Global wrote:
...and even if we did run into each other in hyperspace, how would we know? Would they look human? If they did, would we just chalk it up as some strange entity encounter?


The Traveler wrote:
As for the glyphs: its a good idea to have a glyph and focus on that yourself before the event but I don't think you should show them BEFORE the event.

AFTER the event, people can PM me with the symbols they saw in hyperspace, after which all people will reveal their glyphs.

This way we make it more of a scientific test because if you would see the glyphs beforehand it's possible your brain can make other hyperspace travelers up and we still don't know if hyperspace is real.
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
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