This launch started like most of my launches. My eyelids were painted with orange, brown and red fractals, with black lines marking the details and contours. The carrier wav comes and destroy's my inner dialogue. The wave becomes a mantra. It's spoken in my head as an alien language, but I know what It means. "Love and respect." - Earlier in the day, I was talking to my girlfriend about the respect and appreciation I have for those who came before me, who unlocked the secrets of this and many other plants which I have received benefit from. This was also inserted into my intentions for the trip.
- Speaking of which. This is important. The day before, I spent the day producing a song for the purpose of the trip. It involved samples of Incaros, meditative tones, nature noises and some synth melodies that I played while thinking of what I wanted to get out of the use of DMT. Also, some tribal like drumming that I had programmed. When I was making this, I was having visions and almost astral projecting ( which I have never attempted.) lol... Very Lucid.
My intentions were to meet several entities and make allies that I can call on if ever the need. I also wanted to visit many places each slowly preparing me for the lesson of the trip. (or lessons)
To continue... After the carrier wave became the mantra, I was in. The 2 dimensional fractal pattern before me turned into walls of a room in some kind of psychedelic disco party. The room's contours were so abstract that it was very hard to tell where I was. i noticed 2 entities walk in, but they were entities made of geometric shapes, and instantly, it became impossible to decipher where they were and where the wall or floor was. It was all the same thing. Crazy patterns of geometry folding into itself but remaining solid enough to still form the room.
Between the 2 entities, just before they were gone to my sight, a light being appeared. It was very digital looking. Lines of light shot from out of it in a criss cross pattern. It was white but also flickered every other colour sparsely and randomly from within it. It seemed Very Digital to me. It made me think of Organisms and life on this planet and how Mathematics correlated to formation of life here. Heavy thoughts and very quick. Then out of no where, i thought "maybe this light is a fractal.. Can I go in it. When I thought "can I go in" The light being heard my thoughts and responded with a jokingly offended tone. "What? No way man! What kind of thing is that to say to someone.. Can I enter you?? hahaha" So I said "well what do you taste like" - joking back at him. he replied. - "dude, you can't eat me".. Then darted away into the room, which at his point, was a full on party.
There were many light beings, swirling around and dancing, A few other Geometric beings too.. This time more clear. There was one male, with an upside down pyramid head. He was royal blue and purple. Very powerful looking. Ominous even, but gentle. He danced with another female version of himself. Slightly smaller and pink. I found myself curious about where I was and who all these entities were.. I've never seen so many at once. I didn't know how to communicate with them, as they all seemed to be enjoying the party, which consisted of everyone diving into the environment and blending in, then coming back out and dancing more. Suddenly to my left, there was a being that was oddly square, like a device, but organic looking. Like a living cube. It had a small cube head. On his front, there was a a panel of knobs and piano keys.. When I looked closer, they were a part of his body.. Their texture looked alive.. I attempted to turn a knob, but he jumped back and left, looking quite offended.. As he walked away, he passed a small rectangle part of the wall, and it turned into a window.. I peered through it, and was instantly in that place.
It was a similar place to My post about the Bird sanctuary where I met an ancient bird entity, only this time, there aren't birds, it's a circle of Mayan elders. The Woman speaks to me.. She says.. "You are now the Tricky Lizard." - Slowly, i shrink back to my place in that "party" and as that is happening, I feel myself become the Lizard entity that I've met on the other side, twice now. I can see my elongated jaw and snout. Feel the scales on my skin. As I look around, I notice that My own silhouette is in front of me and blocking my view. It's my shadow.. I'm in the wall.. The wall is filled with light.. I try to move my head and look around but it's always in the way.. I notice, as I look around, My actions are making the walls move.. I am now directing the party.. Making it possible for the other entities to blend into the wall and remerge. This is the Tricky Lizards "job" - I can not communicate with any of them, though I try. when I do, the room just shifts more. Most of the entities (with exception to the light beings) didn't even know I was there. I too was blended into the environment. Shifting it in peculiar ways. Flexing my third eye to open hallways or elongate a wall.
I notice the window appear again.. i go to it.. there are the Shamans again. The Woman speaks again.. Most of which I don't remember anymore, but I do remember her saying "silly Lizard, always in his own way. But what fun"
The she told me that I am not just a lizard, but a Dragon. A Red Dragon. Suddenly I became a DRAGON!!! Full out. The way my throat moved, the wings, The sensationally powerful legs. the heavy head. All of it. I was a Dragon. And a lustrous Red at that!
- This has meaning to me beyond the awesomeness of just being a dragon. In the Mayan dream spell calendar, I am a Red self existing Dragon. So hearing an ancient Mayan shaman spirit or whatever she was, tell me that just did magic. Unlocked the power. I became that literally.-
Suddenly I was back at the trippy shape party, still a Dragon though. Not effecting the walls anymore and could see more clearly. There were 9 entities that I communicated with. All very loving and respectful beings. But also Powerful. Suddenly, An eagle call I had put in the music sent me up to a skylight that I hadn't even realized existed. I peered out.. There was the dome that I saw on my last experience. A massive dome with birds in it. This time they were obviously Eagles.. Big Gold ones. They were off in the distance and I was seeing them through a window, but even still I just bathed in their majesty -
After returning to the party once more, I saw the Tricky Lizard across the room as he was momentarily unconcealed by the shifting wall. he saw me as the Red Dragon and was happy. I felt an incredible sense of compassion and love for the Lizard. I walked a party in his shoes and saw what his existence is. He seems not to be able to connect well with others. Like his attempts to communicate effect the environment and not the being he is trying to communicate with. It seemed so lonely, but with purpose. It made my experiences with him so much more clear. I get him now. He seems, at times to be able to connect with me without mashing up the environment. Maybe we are spirit Kin.
The tricky lizard and the red dragon! haha
I feel as though I have made a good Ally and friend on the other side. He has taught me much. Also to be in the body of a hyperspace entity was an experience I can not even begin to explain!!
The major lesson here for me is to be careful not to get in my own way when trying to connect with people, or entities on the other side. trying to move through or into everything, like the lizard does, won't always work for me. I have to develop my own projection techniques based on what I've learned, not just adopt those of others. Even if it is an ancient sacred Lizard. - I've also had the opportunity to wrap my head around the concept of - Infinity within the finite- Each being and every shape or piece of furniture in this room was infinite in detail, made of shapes within shapes, but had definite measurements within the room. The mathematics in life.
Also, I need to learn some hyperspace manners, apparently. No eating, entering or fidgeting with the entities!! hahaha... Although it is strange that I wanted to enter the fractal like - light being, but couldn't.. Only to later 'enter' the Tricky Lizard.
i know this one is Long, but so much happened that I could never have imagined, even after doing this stuff many times. Thank you, reader, for your time in hearing my story.
Finally, I would like to add that i vaped 50 mg of spice in a Volcano Vaporizer with Blue lotus and Cannabis. Such a beautiful Mixture. The Lotus brought me in to the trip much more gently than without. i remember SOO much of what happened also. The music I made for the adventure was a great success.. I will definitely use it again, and make more. Maybe, if there is interest, I will post a download link for it..
This one will be a tuff one to integrate. But it was exactly what i was looking for. i feel like I know what I have to do..