Lucid Dreaming will have as much effect on your waking life as you allow it to.
For me, it can be quite overwhelming how much my oneironautical activities affect my daily life. For benz to say it has no effect for him and is thus uninteresting is his perspective, is likely true
for him. But it is akin to someone who doesn't like drugs saying that being a psychonaut is worthless because they only saw some weird geometric patterns the few times they did entheogens.
Personally, I have learned reams of things while dreaming. I practice my Kung Fu and my other hobbies in the time dilation such that I can easily put 10 hrs into yogic work in the space of a handful of minutes real time. I have met dream masters and dream wizards... hung out with high light beings... lived hundreds of lifetimes.
One may think that this kind of adventuring doesn't change you... and sure, you can have wish fulfillment lucid dreams from time to time and stay roughly the same. But when you start to be able to make time dilation work for you... you enter another level of the game. You can qualitatively live thousands of lifetimes... more even. The widsom of age is real... and how much moreso when you are 10,000 years old?
Even after decades and decades of practice, I still only remember maybe 5% of my dream life... and even with this shitty percentage, I have memories enough to be in my ten thousands. I have parallel lives I am living in worlds that are more real than this one... and more fun too. TBH, this world is tedious. Too much entropy here. If you clean your room, you just have to clean it again the next day. In other dreamscapes, I snap my fingers and not only clean my room, but expand my house into a flying castle, install central heating, heated tiles by my lagoon sized jacuzzi... populate the house with artists, poets, musicians and philosophers from all walks of life and set the fortress flying through space to orbit the moons of Neptune. And, my room stays clean if I will it to be so. I can drop a pair of underwear on that floor and it will be whisked immediately to some recessed closet where it will be cleaned, folded and pressed instantly.
Even aside from the sex and longevity, dreaming can have awesome effects on you... Read any 10 auto-biographies of someone who changed the world, and I guarantee you that 8 of them will mention some fortuitous dream whereby their great discovery came to them. This is not just wild eyed mystics and artists... but scientists. The double helix of the DNA came in a dream to Watson. Einstein grokked relativity while dreaming away in the Berner Oberland. Mozart dreamed many of his greatest pieces. Newton, Descartes, Tesla, Jung, Wilhelm Reich... the list goes on.
I submit to you friend benzyme... maybe
your greatest work is trying to reach you through dreaming and your feelings on the subject are precluding you from making a breakthrough that might make your career.
I manage to smuggle so little of my dream wisdom and information to this life, and yet it still is a vast storehouse of information that I draw upon many times a day.
And I haven't even begun to talk about precognition and prophecy as it applies to dreaming. Or to the fact, IMHO, that dreaming holds the answers to life, existence, consciousness and reality... answers that 10 million scientists working round the clock for 1000 years would never come close to.
But, I respect the choice to not engage in dreaming as well. I take breaks from time to time just so I can spend more time resting in Delta sleep. And I don't lament days when I remember very little upon awakening. I generally have more than enough to chew on from dreams past... and plenty of entheogenic discovery to assimilate as well.
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice
"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha