adam wrote:Is there a trick to looking at these because I have never in my life had it work!!
starting to piss me off
Normally your eyes focus on a single spot right? Well imagine laserlines comming
straight out of each eyes' pupil. Where normally the 2 laserlines would come together
, try looking straight forward with each eye, so that the laserlines go parrallel &
thus will never meet eachother.
It helps moving your face really close to the screen, to the center of the image.
Try and look parrallel like I explained before. Then gradually move away from the
screen while keeping your eyes in this parrallel-stance. It may take some practice,
but sure enough after getting down the parrallel eye-stance and shifting your head
back and forth a 3 Dimentional Buddha figure pops up in the image.
This is the easier to get down stereogram; parrallel-stereograms. The ones I just cannot view
are the crosseyes stereograms, because I just can't cross my eyes properly.
Thanks for sharing this proggie Cubeananda!
Perhaps anyone here is willing & able to help me on my proposed method for
drawing Stereoscopic image-pairs in this Topic?: