joedirt wrote:Infundibulum wrote:If you want to really claim that psychedelics are eye openers for the society you will have to at least present some data of
1. what percentage of the population is "eye-opened"
2. what percentage of the population is has used (illegal) psychedelics.
3. what is the extend of overlap between these two subsets.
Of course, without a measure of "eye-openness" that is impossible and a very good reason to refraining from statements like the quotation.
Nonsense, and honestly totally absurd.
You guy's sitting around waiting for reality to be defined for you in a scientific publication are laughable.
I'm gonna just flat out say it myself:
Psychedelics are vastly superior eye openers than alcohol. To claim the opposite is to spout off just for the sake of arguing. Even if it takes 2000 more years for someone to publish the study you need to believe this it will still have been true for thousands of years prior to this conversation.
Some truths are self evident to people who have seen enough data points in their lives. People who have a long term history of using psychedelics are by and large people interested in self development in some capacity or another. Most average people walk away from psychedelics after their youth never try them again. So the odds of actual damage to the body is extremely small.
Contrast that with alcohol.
Most people who use alcohol will continue to use it over the course of their lives.
Many Many of these people will become either binge drinkers or moderate to heavy drinkers.
Alcohol "MAY" have some benefits in 1 glass of wine a day, but beyond that it is increasingly bad for the body.
People who consume alcohol are more likely to have weiht problems, diebetes, and a host of cognitive functions that will show up progressively as they use the drug into older age.
Flat out. Psychedelics are to be classified as eye openers (though not for everyone), and alcohol is to be seen as something fun to use in moderation, a great social lubricant, but not something that you are EVER going to learn a deep life lesson with....unless of course it almost kills you or a friend or something tragic like that.
BTW I drink alcohol on occasion myself and I used to abuse the hell out of it when I was younger. Not demonizing the drug, but let's be honest here. One is a toxin and the other is a potential eye opener for the person willing to use them in a proper set and setting and who is interested in self exploration.
Night and day and I don't care if I ever see the study.
Amen, Joedirt!
Sure, abusive junkies who include Psychedelics in their abuse exist. But I have NEVER come
across an abusive junkie who used ONLY psychedelics.
Abuse of Psychedelics, as far as I have encountered it personally, is allways incidental:
Junkies prefer Opiates, Benzos, Cocaine, Amphetamines(Speed, Meth & to some extent MDMA)
But sometimes none of these drugs are available or they're all out. In this case these junkies will go for LSD, DMT, Mescaline...or whatever other drug is available. Anything to
avoid getting sober. But Psychedelics are NEVER a junkie's first choice.
Go to one of those illegal raves where whole tribes of these troubled, harmfully hedonistic junkies come together, clear a table and put down several bowls, each filled with another drug. LSD in 1 bowl, DMT in the next, Cocaine in another & Amphetamines in the final bowl.
And let's put a 1 liter jug of strong Whiskey next to that.
And imagine you would refill each bowl whenever it was empty. Same for the Whiskey.
I would dare bet significant money on it that the Cocaine & Amphetamine-bowls would need ALOT more refilling than the DMT & LSD bowls. The Whiskey jug would probably require
most refilling.
Allthough this is just a theoretical experiment I never could nor would perform,
I have come across plenty scenes of abuse & have observed this phenomenon closely enough to know the Whiskey, the Cocaine & the Speed would have needed most refilling and the LSD and the DMT would barely be touched, except by a rare few Psychonauts & Curious, brave people(aspiring Psychonauts I suppose).
Junkies like to narrow their minds. They like to shrink their awareness to escape deep seathed, constant feelings of fear and/or grief and/or anger. IF these type of people ever
take Psychedelics it is usually when they're already heavily inebriated by Alcohol, Cocaine,
Amphetamine or MDMA.
Because of this, their consciousness is so significantly narrowed, that
even a high dose of, say, LSD wouldn't open their minds sufficiently anymore to allow for
the uncomfortable, but mind expanding confrontations with deep seathed psychological problems that Psychedelics CAN provide.
I have personally never seen one of these abusive junkies decide to take a Psychedelic as
their first choice, while sober. Junkies will always prefer to take th route of least resistance: This is why they continue their abuse and stay addicted: Going on is much easier than breaking their addiction(s): They encounter resistance.
Now Psychedelics tear apart your Ego. They break up the Personality you've built up back into loose, individual building blocks. They allow you to rebuild you Personality. And if you pay close attention to that process, you may rebuild yourself a stronger, more stable, more structurally sound Personality.
Now that drives me to continue using Psychedelics:
I desire deeply & passionately to keep growing and improving my Personality instead of being
blinded by pride, take a conservative stance and stiffle any progress or change & fearfully
hold on to who I think I am. I don't want to be a static entity: I can't be. I want to accept change and growth into my Life. I understand that to do that implies I'll also have to accept the discomfort & resistance that that change might bring. To grow I must be willing to accept Growth pains.
Now Junkies are terrified of any resistance. Any change. Any growth. Once or twice they might enjoy Psychedelic, but one of their psychedelics experiences will become their personal hell: Confrontation & Realisation.... And the growth pains that come with that.
Then they will freak out, possibly come out significantly damaged & dissociated & decide to
NEVER EVER in their lifetime to do Psychedelics ever again.
You can perform a million scientific studies on this subject and never really get any closer to proving or disproving what I and Joedirt say, but I have plenty of experience observing
hordes of abusive junkies in their hedonistic descent to hell(How Ironic, right?) long enough to know this simple truth:
Cocaine, Alcohol, Amphetamine, Methamphetamine & to some extent MDMA are all drugs that Narrow consciousness. They are "Feel-good" drugs, having a simplicity about that that allows for, even seduces to Escapism & burrying your problems deeply so as to not be aware of them.
This repressing of negative psychological/emotional experiences is very harmfull & creates a Jungian shadow; A second, sinister self comprised of all the negative material you repressed. Repressing these negative experiences is synonymous for breeding a horrific monster inside of your self. This monster will become a split off, wrathfull personality that can ruin your life, and the life of those around you, while the other, original you seems to remain completely unaware of this. This false, 2nd self will try and overrule the
original self compeltely and take over the whole self, bringing harm into the world.
Ignorance allows this false self(Ego) to grow while remaining under the radar.
That's why it loves Cocaine, Alcohol, Speed, MDMA and Meth: They are like radar
jammers, metaphorically speaking. It narrows the consciousness, allowing the Ego
to continue taking control of more and more of your thoughts, feelings and behaviour,
without you ever noticing. It is building a new Personality-structure of hatred, fear, jealousy, dispair, desire and lots of other negativity to slowly conquer the whole of your personality.
And yet all it takes to destroy this false, 2nd self's dominating personality is to
observe it with strongly focussed, unwavering attention.
Psychedelics allow & catalyse exactly this. And the False self seems to know this,
which is why abusive junkies, who are obviously completely overtaken by this Ego/False self,
always seem to instinctively fear Psychedelics.